Width of ideas written in Japanese
In using Japanese, we don't use spaces between words. As a result, we can't shorten width of ideas witten in Japanese. So, when we want to do that, we mannualy insert SHIFT+ENTER to make multi-line text. When we change the text, however, the shape of the text looks odd and we need to change the position of SHIFT-ENTER.…
Feature request: Select all descendant nodes
Hi, Here's my use case. I made a mind map for packing my luggage. Each leaf is an item, but since an item can be placed inside a small bag (eg. toiletry bag) inside a suitcase, there are intermediate non-leaf nodes. When I put an item in the prepared luggage, I change the style to Green background. If I want to pass on an…
Please support Scroll Lock
Can you please support Scroll Lock to pan the canvas so I can use my keyboard so I can reduce the use of my mouse for ergonomics / OH&S reasons? Excel supports Scroll Lock properly and you can pan the spreadsheet without changing the selection. If not Scroll Lock specifically, then something else that means I can pan…
Offer split into topics for typed text not just pasted
I'd like Mind Meister to offer to split text into topics when I use soft line breaks as a shortcut, and not just when I paste text.
Some strange things about images
Firstly, I love the images upload and paste feature. It just works, easy to use, great set of options and controls for resizing, aligning with captions etc. There are just a few things relating to nodes and images that I want to mention. If you have a node selected and paste and image, it pastes into the node. That's ok,…
Font size relative to position in hierarchy
I would love to be able to set the font size of each level in the hierarchy to be a percentage of the parent. This could be editable in the theme customiser when it comes out. Here I've set the parent font size to 40px and each consecutive child to be 20% of the parent's font size so: Top level: 40px Second level: 32px…
Group Chat for Collaboration
Would be helpful to be able to have real time chats with team members as we are working on the mind map. A text box like an instant messenger type communication would be most helpful..
Connector lines to centre of shape, not a side
I don't like having to choose a side connection point because it can look a bit ugly having lines not aligned to the centre of the shape and means I have to make a pointless decision about which side to attach the connector to, and it messes up if I move it so the connector is now having to cross the shape to get to the…
Paste Style onto connector lines
Currently can only paste styles onto topics.
Collaboration - locking leafs/nodes
When collaborating with new users, sometimes they move things around with knowing or how to undo the move. It would usefull to offer a node level lock feature where I can stop it from being moved to another parent...and have the option to lock all sibling notes and make them not movable...and only comment-able. Maybe this…
Geisteblitze Timestamp
When entering something through the Geisteblitze mobile feature (which is such an amazing feature in and of itself!), could a timestamp option be made available to display with the entry? Something that shows the date/time that the entry was submitted.
Upload Progress Indicator to Show When MindMeister is Loading
I propose some way of indicating to the user that MindMeister is still moving data to its server. If I move a large amount, then try to change to another map, I get a warning that some data may not have been transferred yet. So I just have to wait and keep checking until I can switch maps without that warning. This…
A grid & different grid sizes & coordinates
Here's what I propose: Each item has a coordinate, and each item may snap to the grid. The grid may have different size options depending on how you may want to snap things. Benefits may include: The mindmap viewed through the app will look exactly the same as it does on the web (currently it looks like a jumbled mess if…
Help us improve our CV with a MindMeister or Meister certificate
Some of us are Meister experts and also work on a daily basis with Meister products, last week the university I work with asked me to present a certificate where I can show my expertise with MindMaps on MindMeister and I only have a badge that's cool but at the same time is helpful to have a certificate that shows that as…
When opening a map, all subtopics are collected
Geralmente quando se abre um mapa grande, ficam abertos subtópicos que deixou aberto por último. A sugestão para ficar mais organizado é ao abrir novamente, esteja tudo recolhido.
Organise your maps as a mindmap
What I'm proposing is a mindmap structure to the folders page of your beloved web application. Imagine the following page was a mindmap: Instead of the basic list and folder functionality, you'd be able to organise your mindmaps as if they were individual nodes in a mindmap. The folders would serve as parents to listed…
Is there a way to get a full screen image keyboard shortcut ?
On other mind map software, it's possible to simply press "cmd-space" for example to automatically open the image in a node and then "esc" keystroke to close the preview. At least it would be great to double click on the image to get the preview. For the moment I need to click on the picture icon and the select "Full…
Support for Copying Plain Text Tables into Nodes
Here’s a feature request draft based on your example: Feature Request: Support for Copying Plain Text Tables into Nodes It would be very helpful to have the ability to copy and paste plain text tables (e.g., Markdown-style tables) directly into the mind-mapping software, with the software automatically converting the table…
Allow binding of any layout to any element
In the current version that I have access to (Dec 12, 2024, Personal plan) I cannot bind the layout of my choice for any node in the mind map. Imagine a mind map that has 4 levels, I should be able to choose Layout-1 for Root and Layout -2 for Chid-2 and Layout-3 from Grandchild-3. Child nodes that are not identified as…
annual wheel
Would fit very well into all the other planning stuff:
Entra para el examen
De las teorías del psicodinámicas entra solo Erickson No entran las biologicas.
merging of input information
I want you to be able to not only branch minds, but also join them.
VECTOR graphic
sometimes, rather than break down the MM you just want people to be able to consume it. However it often comes out small when downloading and when you stretch it, we get a pixelation. In the app it works great. Can we get a VECTOR graphic so that it can be stretched must easier - so I can put it into powerpoint and zoom in…
MDX file rendering
Hey Guys, I have a suggestion that I would love for you to consider. It would be amazing if you could enable support for rendering MDX files in nodes. As a coder, trainer, and social media influencer, I heavily rely on MindMeister to share my ideas with the world. However, I find the current nodes a bit limited in…
Multi-node resizing
It would be very helpful to be able to resize multiple nodes at once, similar to how we resize columns/rows in spreadsheets. Perhaps this could be done by holding down shift while dragging the resize handle/grip. Example: I often need to resize nodes when putting in large amounts of text. Half the time, the text doesn't…
Have N starting points.
I want to highlight that some information comes from the outside i would be usefull to be able to create a bubble next to indicate that. Requirement N to 1 connections
N to 1 connections
Right now it is only possible to create 1 to N connections. Sometime it would be usefull to reconnect branches i.e. N to 1.
When will they add AI features that surpass mapify?
When will they add AI features that surpass mapify?
Option to prevent the target node to expand when a node is dragged into it
When a node is dragged into another collapsed node (target node), the target node expands. This behavior is OK when the target node contains few nodes. However, if the target node contains many nodes and child nodes, this behavior becomes a distraction, especially when multiple nodes need to be added to the target node.…
Mathematical Input
Hey, I just wondered, is there any feature to input mathematical equations. For example something like: $$f(x) = x^3*frac{x+1}{x-1}$$? It would be so helpful, currently I always take a screen picture an trim the edges to import it into the mind map. Thanks for your help!