When opening a map, all subtopics are collected
Geralmente quando se abre um mapa grande, ficam abertos subtópicos que deixou aberto por último. A sugestão para ficar mais organizado é ao abrir novamente, esteja tudo recolhido.
Organise your maps as a mindmap
What I'm proposing is a mindmap structure to the folders page of your beloved web application. Imagine the following page was a mindmap: Instead of the basic list and folder functionality, you'd be able to organise your mindmaps as if they were individual nodes in a mindmap. The folders would serve as parents to listed…
New sort option: Popularity
Currently there are 4 basic sort options. A to Z, Z to A, Newest first and Oldest first. I propose a new sort option: Popularity By being able to sort your mindmaps by popularity in ascending or descending order you'd be able to see which projects are your most active (calculates on the number of hits the mindmap recieves)…
Is there a way to get a full screen image keyboard shortcut ?
On other mind map software, it's possible to simply press "cmd-space" for example to automatically open the image in a node and then "esc" keystroke to close the preview. At least it would be great to double click on the image to get the preview. For the moment I need to click on the picture icon and the select "Full…
Spreadsheet-like functionality
The idea of integrating spreadsheet-like functionality with floating spreadsheet islands into the mind-mapping software could significantly enhance its versatility. By allowing users to paste structured data, such as tables or formulas (e.g., =SUM(A1:B9)), the software could automatically organize nodes into a grid-based…
Support for Copying Plain Text Tables into Nodes
Here’s a feature request draft based on your example: Feature Request: Support for Copying Plain Text Tables into Nodes It would be very helpful to have the ability to copy and paste plain text tables (e.g., Markdown-style tables) directly into the mind-mapping software, with the software automatically converting the table…
MindMeister is deteriorating day by day and I can prove it. I want my legacy maps back.
Good afternoon, I have been a loyal customer for years and primarily use MindMeister for my studies. Since being forced to switch from the legacy maps to the new ones, my productivity has significantly decreased, and each day brings a new bug. This week, the popup window for selecting emojis was reduced in size. The space…
Allow an element to have more than ONE parent
Currently an element is defined to have only one Parent. Is it possible to edit an element and specify an additional parent. For example one can start a node with one parent and then go through its context menu (style bar) and add more parents iteratively. So to define a node with 4 parents one can create the element in…
Allow binding of any layout to any element
In the current version that I have access to (Dec 12, 2024, Personal plan) I cannot bind the layout of my choice for any node in the mind map. Imagine a mind map that has 4 levels, I should be able to choose Layout-1 for Root and Layout -2 for Chid-2 and Layout-3 from Grandchild-3. Child nodes that are not identified as…
annual wheel
Would fit very well into all the other planning stuff:
Entra para el examen
De las teorías del psicodinámicas entra solo Erickson No entran las biologicas.
Text Alignment Options
I have just started using MindMeister for college and I LOVE it. However……. Being able to align my text differently, left, center, or right would be extremely helpful in personal preference and making my diagrams professional and polished.
Auto Align should be default (or able to default ON)
The Auto Align function of a branch should be default or at least we should be able to turn it on by default in the settings.
Opening Mindmap without extended branches
Hi Support, love your product. I would really appreciate it if we could open our mindmaps without all branches extended. I'd prefer to have only the branches open that were open when I closed the map or have all branches closed. Plus ideally a function to open all branches. Any chance to implement this? Best regards, Karl
Make media images larger through keyboard shortcut
When I upload media to my Mindmeister, I have to enlarge it through the bottom right corner of it. If there is a possibility to enlarge or full screen the media image to see it using a keyboard shortcut and pressing the same keyboard shortcut again will revert it back to its original small size will be great
merging of input information
I want you to be able to not only branch minds, but also join them.
Same user actively working on the same MM map from different computers
This is the context of the problem: https://community.meister.co/discussion/comment/11516#Comment_11516 Would it be possible to have an MM engine support this scenario, i.e., provide the functionality currently available when 2 different users (A and B) concurrently work on the same MM map?
Vote to Save Legacy Mindmaps!!
Hi all, I've been using Mindmeister for over 10 years so it was despair when I saw the 'New Editor'. Imo inferior to the legacy in so many key aspects. I've managed to tolerate it 'New' by ignoring and using old (though I haven't been able to collaborate like before as that automatically converts maps to New). Now we're…
Deactivation of context menue
When clicking on a text field, the context menue covers the text field above the current text field and the main branch. Then context menue should be deactivatable.
Export mindmap outlines to Meister Note so that the note can be edited like a regular note
Problem: I make notes using mindmaps in MindMeister. My colleagues prefer reading notes in an outline form in Meister Note. Why this is important: Our mindmaps are a rich source of information. Workarounds: MindMeister has a feature to embed a mindmap in a Meister Note; this is a useful feature. The problem is the embedded…
Password protection for shared map
Hi. Please consider adding password protection when sharing the map via a link. Anyone with the link can access the shared map. Sharing a link with another layer of protection (password) would strengthen the sharing security level. It is essential because many customers don't have an active subscription to your service.
Notes size too small!
Hello Mind Meister Team, I've been using MindMeister for almost two years, everything else is fine with your update, but you've made the notes size too small, so I don't know what to do with it. a note above so that the worlds are less in line due to the size reduction I'm having a lot of trouble rereading please do…
The Ability of to Change SubFormat on a Map has Been Eliminated?
I can no longer change a submode to a new format. My favorite map structure is org change with List format on the sub level. It doesn't appear that you can do this anymore and I find it really frustrating. Why was this decision made? Frustrating as ****.
VECTOR graphic
sometimes, rather than break down the MM you just want people to be able to consume it. However it often comes out small when downloading and when you stretch it, we get a pixelation. In the app it works great. Can we get a VECTOR graphic so that it can be stretched must easier - so I can put it into powerpoint and zoom in…
Improving Search Efficiency: Folders and Breadcrumbs for Better Mind Map Management
Another idea I've wanted to mention for a long time, but never did, is to add folders to the search bar as well. That would definitely earn my love! Right now, it's really difficult to track down where each mind map is located. A breadcrumb UI pattern would get even more love if you guys implement it.
MDX file rendering
Hey Guys, I have a suggestion that I would love for you to consider. It would be amazing if you could enable support for rendering MDX files in nodes. As a coder, trainer, and social media influencer, I heavily rely on MindMeister to share my ideas with the world. However, I find the current nodes a bit limited in…
Implementation of all expansion and all folding functions
I want to collapse the entire tree to make it easier to see, not collapse the core. If you can develop them one by one, it will be easier to explain when you share ideas with your peers. If you add the ability to expand all, you can get it back even after it's all collapsed. If possible, it would be great if you could…
Having cards that can be turned (hidden- appear)
Would like to be able to turn the cards of the brainstorming so that we dont see them at the beginning and i can return them when i choose
Multi-node resizing
It would be very helpful to be able to resize multiple nodes at once, similar to how we resize columns/rows in spreadsheets. Perhaps this could be done by holding down shift while dragging the resize handle/grip. Example: I often need to resize nodes when putting in large amounts of text. Half the time, the text doesn't…