All Badges

  • 2023 Badge
    Thanks for sharing your 2023 Community memory! ?? 5 points.
  • 2024 Goals
    Thanks for sharing your 2024 goals! 10 points.
  • 3 Templates
    Thank you for sharing 3 templates! 10 points.
  • 6 Templates
    Thank you for sharing 6 templates! 10 points.
  • Autumn Recipes Badge
    Thanks for sharing your autumn recipe. Now all that's left to do is to try someone else's - Good luck ?! 10 points.
  • Blossoming Inspiration
    Thanks for sharing your inspiration! 10 points.
  • Book Recommendations
    Thanks for sharing your book recommendation, and happy reading! 10 points.
  • Brainstorming Expert
  • Christmas Traditions
    Thanks for sharing your Christmas traditions and festivities! 10 points.
  • Community Pioneer
    A true trailblazer in the Meister Community — you've been with us since the beginning. Here's to the start of something big! 5 points.
  • Creativity Expert
    10 points.
  • Facebook Connector
    Let's get social! 10 points.
  • Favorite Tool
    Thank you for telling us about your favorite tool! 10 points.
  • First Template
    Thanks for sharing a template! 10 points.
  • Goals
    Well done for setting your goals. Now let's work on achieving them! 10 points.
  • Gratitude
    Thank you for sharing your gratitude with us! 10 points.
  • Incident Helper
    This is a line of text that explains why this user has earned the Incident Helper badge. 10 points.
  • International Women's Day
    Thank you for sharing your contribution to this badge! 10 points.
  • MeisterHacks
    Thank you for sharing your great tips and tricks! 3 points.
  • Mind Mapping Expert
    10 points.
  • Name Dropper
    Mentioning someone in a discussion (like this: @Name) is a great way to encourage dialog and let them know who you’re talking to. 5 points.
  • Note Taking Expert
    10 points.
  • Online Learning
    Thank you for sharing an online course! 10 points.
  • Organization
    Good luck getting organized! 10 points.
  • Organization Expert
    10 points.
  • Photogenic
    Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. Thanks! 10 points.
  • Photography Badge
    Thanks for sharing your favourite photo! 10 points.
  • Productivity Tips
    Thanks for sharing your top productivity tips! ? 10 points.
  • Project Management Expert
  • Reflection
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feelings on 2022! 10 points.
  • Security
    Thanks for sharing your tips and tricks for better data security and privacy. Let's stay safe together! 10 points.
  • Sustainability
    Thanks for sharing your sustainability tips for Earth Day. Together, we can make a difference! 10 points.
  • Template Love
    Thank you for sharing a template you love! 10 points.
  • Thanksgiving
    Thank YOU for sharing what you're thankful for! 10 points.
  • Time Management Expert
  • Travel Badge
    Thank you for sharing your favourite travel destination! 10 points.
  • Twitter Connector
    Let's get social! 10 points.
  • Wellbeing
    Thanks for sharing your tips for mental wellbeing in the workplace! 10 points.
  • Combo Breaker
    Earned badges for 5 different things in one day (now you can say it was 6!). 5 points.
  • First Anniversary
    Thanks for sticking with us for a full year. 5 points.
  • Second Anniversary
    Thanks for sticking with us for 2 years. 5 points.
  • Third Anniversary
    Thanks for sticking with us for 3 years. 5 points.
  • Fourth Anniversary
    Thanks for sticking with us for 4 years. 5 points.
  • Fifth Anniversary
    Thanks for sticking with us for 5 years. 5 points.
  • Sixth Anniversary
    Thanks for sticking with us for 6 years. 5 points.
  • Seventh Anniversary
    Thanks for sticking with us for 7 years. 5 points.
  • Eighth Anniversary
    Thanks for sticking with us for 8 years. 5 points.
  • Ninth Anniversary
    Thanks for sticking with us for 9 years. 5 points.
  • Tenth Anniversary
    Thanks for sticking with us for 10 years. 5 points.
  • Ancient Membership
    Nobody remembers a time when this person wasn’t a member here. 5 points.
  • First Answer
    Answering questions is a great way to show your support for a community! 2 points.
  • 5 Answers
    Your willingness to share knowledge has definitely been noticed. 3 points.
  • 25 Answers
    Looks like you’re starting to make a name for yourself as someone who knows the score! 5 points.
  • 50 Answers
    Why use Google when we could just ask you? 10 points.
  • 100 Answers
    Admit it, you read the Help Centers in your spare time. 15 points.
  • 250 Answers
    Is there *anything* you don’t know? 20 points.
  • 5 Loves
    You received 5 "Love" reactions. We like that. 5 points.
  • 25 Loves
    You've received 25 "Love" reactions!

    Such pure love! We hear music when you enter a discussion! We feel the earth move under us at your shortest comment! Our community diary is filled with your name in stylized letters!
    5 points.
  • All You Need is Love
    You received 100 "Love" reactions. I guess John Lennon was right! 10 points.
  • Love Me Tender
    You received 250 "Love" reactions. The politest way to say this is that you're "popular" around these parts. 25 points.
  • Unconditional Love
    You've received 500 "Love" reactions!

    They say that a life lived in love will never be dull, but please save some excitement for the rest of us.
    50 points.
  • Love  - Beyond the Infinite
    You received 1,000 "Love" reactions.

    Be careful, my friend - this is fabric of the universe/splitting the atom level stuff. Love at its most powerful is a force we mortal Meisters can hardly comprehend.

    What lies beyond 1,000 loves? Generations of philosophers and poets can only wonder...
    50 points.
  • First Comment
    Commenting is the best way to get involved. Jump in the fray! 2 points.
    No longer a one-hit wonder! It looks like you’re going places. 5 points.
    Getting this far requires gumption, something you have in spades. 10 points.
    Settled in, saw the sights, learned the territory, and most importantly: gave back. 15 points.
    You’re practically family. 20 points.
    Another day, another comment, another badge. 20 points.
    Eat, sleep, comment. We like your style. 20 points.
    You are a comment-making machine. 20 points.
    Whose house? Your house. 20 points.
    Some people are beginning to wonder if you’re the owner. 20 points.
  • 5 Insightfuls
    You received 5 Insightfuls. We like that. 5 points.
  • 25 Insightfuls
    You received 25 Insightfuls. You're posting some good content. Great! 5 points.
  • 100 Insightfuls
    You received 100 Insightfuls. When you're liked this much, you'll be an MVP in no time! 10 points.
  • 250 Insightfuls
    You received 250 Insightfuls. Looks like you're popular around these parts. 25 points.
  • 500 Insightfuls
    You received 500 Insightfuls. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. 50 points.
  • 1,000 Insightfuls
    You received 1,000 Insightfuls. The more you post, the more people like it. Keep it up! 50 points.
  • 1,500 Insightfuls
    You received 1,500 Insightfuls. You must be a source of inspiration for the community. 50 points.
  • 2,500 Insightfuls
    You received 2,500 Insightfuls. People really notice you, in case you haven't noticed. 50 points.
  • 5,000 Insightfuls
    You received 5,000 Insightfuls. Your ratio of signal to noise is something to be proud of. 50 points.
  • 10,000 Insightfuls
    You received 10,000 Insightfuls. Wow! You are being swarmed with reactions. 50 points.
  • Like Minds Think Alike
    That's why you've got five likes. 5 points.
  • Some Like it Hot
    We like it liked, 25 times. 5 points.
  • Someone Like You
    Adele was onto something - we want more people like you here. With 100 likes, you're a dream user. 10 points.
  • That’s The Way (I Like It)
    Actually, with 250 likes I think I love it. 25 points.
  • You Make Me Feel Like Dancing
    I think 500 likes is definitely cause for celebration. 50 points.
    You received 1,000 Likes. The more you post, the more people like it. Keep it up! 50 points.
    You received 1,500 Likes. You must be a source of inspiration for the community. 50 points.
    You received 2,500 Likes. People really notice you, in case you haven't noticed. 50 points.
    You received 5,000 Likes. Your ratio of signal to noise is something to be proud of. 50 points.
    You received 10,000 Likes. Wow! You are being swarmed with reactions. 50 points.
  • 5 LOLs
    You received 5 LOLs. We like that. 5 points.
  • 25 LOLs
    You received 25 LOLs. You're posting some good content. Great! 5 points.
  • 100 LOLs
    You received 100 LOLs. When you're liked this much, you'll be an MVP in no time! 10 points.
  • 250 LOLs
    You received 250 LOLs. Looks like you're popular around these parts. 25 points.
  • 500 LOLs
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. 50 points.
  • 1,000 LOLs
    You received 1,000 LOLs. The more you post, the more people like it. Keep it up! 50 points.
  • 1,500 LOLs
    You received 1,500 LOLs. You must be a source of inspiration for the community. 50 points.
  • 2,500 LOLs
    You received 2,500 LOLs. People really notice you, in case you haven't noticed. 50 points.
  • 5,000 LOLs
    You received 5,000 LOLs. Your ratio of signal to noise is something to be proud of. 50 points.
  • 10,000 LOLs
    You received 10,000 LOLs. Wow! You are being swarmed with reactions. 50 points.
  • 100 Loves
    You received 100 Loves. When you're liked this much, you'll be an MVP in no time! 10 points.
  • 250 Loves
    You received 250 Loves. Looks like you're popular around these parts. 25 points.
  • 500 Loves
    You received 500 Loves. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. 50 points.
  • 1,000 Loves
    You received 1,000 Loves. The more you post, the more people like it. Keep it up! 50 points.
  • 1,500 Loves
    You received 1,500 Loves. You must be a source of inspiration for the community. 50 points.
  • 2,500 Loves
    You received 2,500 Loves. People really notice you, in case you haven't noticed. 50 points.
  • 5,000 Loves
    You received 5,000 Loves. Your ratio of signal to noise is something to be proud of. 50 points.
  • 10,000 Loves
    You received 10,000 Loves. Wow! You are being swarmed with reactions. 50 points.
  • 5 Up Votes
    You received 5 Up Votes. We like that. 5 points.
  • 25 Up Votes
    You received 25 Up Votes. You're posting some good content. Great! 5 points.
  • 100 Up Votes
    You received 100 Up Votes. When you're liked this much, you'll be an MVP in no time! 10 points.
  • 250 Up Votes
    You received 250 Up Votes. Looks like you're popular around these parts. 25 points.
  • 500 Up Votes
    You received 500 Up Votes. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. 50 points.
  • 1,000 Up Votes
    You received 1,000 Up Votes. The more you post, the more people like it. Keep it up! 50 points.
  • 1,500 Up Votes
    You received 1,500 Up Votes. You must be a source of inspiration for the community. 50 points.
  • 2,500 Up Votes
    You received 2,500 Up Votes. People really notice you, in case you haven't noticed. 50 points.
  • 5,000 Up Votes
    You received 5,000 Up Votes. Your ratio of signal to noise is something to be proud of. 50 points.
  • 10,000 Up Votes
    You received 10,000 Up Votes. Wow! You are being swarmed with reactions. 50 points.