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Hello MeisterTask Community! I have some exciting updates to share about what's new in MeisterTask and a sneak peek at what's coming next. What’s New 🗂️ Template Gallery: Use new project templates directly from our website! You can browse a variety of project templates designed to help you get started quickly, whether…
Dear Community, MeisterTask offers a second way to view tasks in projects: List View. MeisterTask now offers two main views for all tasks in a project: Board view and List view. You can switch between these views to suit your project management style and needs. 💡 What is List View? List view in MeisterTask offers a clear…
Would you like to get early access to our new "Home" dashboard? We're looking for MeisterTask community members to help beta test this new feature. What is the new "Home"? "Home" will be your new starting point in MeisterTask, designed to give you a personalized overview of your most important tasks, key notifications, and…
Dear Community, 👋 As we step into 2025, I’m thrilled to announce a brand-new logo and visual identity for Meister and our products, MeisterTask and MindMeister. Let’s dive into the details: What’s changing? As of January 27, you’ll notice our updated logos and visual branding here in the Community and across other Meister…
I would love to see an upgrade to sorting on columns. Right now I have to select the three dots, sort column, and for example due date. If I add a new due date to any task or move a task from another column, I have to repeat above process. That is pretty annoying and could be implentend relatively easy as column-specific…
Ich bin dabei, ein Portfoliomanagement aufzusetzen. Dafür ist es notwendig, die Jahresplanung aller in den Strategieprozess einzahlenden Projekte in der Timelineansicht sehen zu können, um einen Überblick darüber zu gewinnen, welche Projekte wann geplant sind. Idealerweise würde ich das direkt in Meistertask anzeigen.…
Ich arbeite mit vielen MindMaps zu einzelnen Projekten, das sind Gesprächsnotizen aus Beratungen. Wenn ich weiter arbeite, möchte ich gerne schnell mehrere MindMaps öffnen. Das ging super bisher, wurde jetzt aber deaktiviert oder "verschlimmbessert"… 😪 Bisher: Rechtsklick auf die MindMap "In neuem Tab öffnen". Die…
Hello everyone, to all developers: I am trying in vain to get a line break in the body parameter “notes” via the Meister API when creating a new task with “{section_id}/tasks”. No matter what I pass in the string, it does not give me a line break. What I have tried: \n \r\n \u2028…
Hi MeisterTask-Developers, I have discovered an error in your API: the api reference page has an error in: It's asking for a task_id instead of checklist_id. Maybe a copy paste problem. when I post a checklist entry and specify the status 5 (completed), it…
Hi, by deactivating the paid plan, after paying for it for several years, even just because I liked the desktop app, since this is no longer supported, I decided to switch to the Basic plan... but is it possible that not even the custom background image is allowed in the free plan? Really unfriendly and uninviting for new…
Hello everyone! We are working on some exciting updates for MeisterTask. We're exploring ways to enhance our integrations with everyday tools such as emails, calendars, and spreadsheets. Our goal is to make our everyday work and experience even more productive within MeisterTask. 💡 Under Consideration: This idea is…
When one encounters a problem, they probably click on the help button. And then on "contact support". This links to "Ask the Community" and not to the support. And there, if you tell about your problem, Mindmeister doesn't like it (I think they are right because it is not the support but the community) and they ask to…
Geralmente quando se abre um mapa grande, ficam abertos subtópicos que deixou aberto por último. A sugestão para ficar mais organizado é ao abrir novamente, esteja tudo recolhido.
Liebe Community 👋 Gleich zum Start des neuen Jahres gibt es aufregende Neuigkeiten. Meister, sowie unsere Produkte MeisterTask und MindMeister bekommen einen brandneuen Look. Was das bedeutet findet ihr hier unten zusammengefasst: Was ändert sich? Ab 27. Januar 2025 werden sich unser Logo und unser gesamter Markenauftritt…
Möchtest du frühzeitig Zugriff auf unser neues „Home“-Dashboard erhalten? Wir suchen Mitglieder der MeisterTask-Community, die uns beim Beta-Test dieser neuen Funktion unterstützen. Worum handelt es sich beim „Home“-Dashboard? „Home“ wird dein neuer Startpunkt in MeisterTask sein, der dir einen personalisierten Überblick…
Hi everyone! Mark here, from the MindMeister team 👋 We’ve recently made several updates to MindMeister, designed to help you go from idea to map faster. What's changed: Access topic options instantly by clicking on any topic Add a new “floating topic” in one click from the right-hand toolbar Create tasks from ideas via a…
Liebe Community, MeisterTask bietet nun eine neue Funktion namens Listenansicht an, um alle Aufgaben in einer Liste anstatt dem Kanban-Board zu sehen. MeisterTask bietet jetzt zwei Hauptansichten für alle Aufgaben in einem Projekt: Board-Ansicht und Listen-Ansicht. Ihr könnt zwischen diesen Ansichten wechseln, um sie an…
Hello everyone, I'm excited to share a new feature that is now available in MeisterTask: You can publish a page from your notes and share it via a link! 👉 Here’s an example of what the page looks like: View a Published Page What does this mean? This feature allows anyone to view a page you've published through a link,…
Hallo zusammen! In MeisterTask gibt es jetzt eine neue Funktion: Man kann eine Seite aus den eigenen Notizen veröffentlichen und sie über einen Link teilen! 👉 Hier ist ein Beispiel, wie eine veröffentlichte Seite aussieht: Veröffentlichte Seite anzeigen Erklärung im Detail Mit dieser Funktion kann eine andere Person eine…
It would be great to have more intuitive drag and drop support throughout MeisterTask: drag a task on top of another task and get an option to make them subtasks or add a relationship between them drag a task to another project to move it there drag a content block in a note to another page to copy or move it there … Also,…
Hello everyone, I have a function request. It would be very helpful if you could copy the stored code directly via a button when visualizing inline codes. An example is attached. Thank you and best regards Christian
What I'm proposing is a mindmap structure to the folders page of your beloved web application. Imagine the following page was a mindmap: Instead of the basic list and folder functionality, you'd be able to organise your mindmaps as if they were individual nodes in a mindmap. The folders would serve as parents to listed…
Currently there are 4 basic sort options. A to Z, Z to A, Newest first and Oldest first. I propose a new sort option: Popularity By being able to sort your mindmaps by popularity in ascending or descending order you'd be able to see which projects are your most active (calculates on the number of hits the mindmap recieves)…
On other mind map software, it's possible to simply press "cmd-space" for example to automatically open the image in a node and then "esc" keystroke to close the preview. At least it would be great to double click on the image to get the preview. For the moment I need to click on the picture icon and the select "Full…
The idea of integrating spreadsheet-like functionality with floating spreadsheet islands into the mind-mapping software could significantly enhance its versatility. By allowing users to paste structured data, such as tables or formulas (e.g., =SUM(A1:B9)), the software could automatically organize nodes into a grid-based…
Here’s a feature request draft based on your example: Feature Request: Support for Copying Plain Text Tables into Nodes It would be very helpful to have the ability to copy and paste plain text tables (e.g., Markdown-style tables) directly into the mind-mapping software, with the software automatically converting the table…
Navigating the complexity of large tasks can be overwhelming – so let’s make it simp le! Break big tasks down into smaller, manageable to-dos using subtasks. With an extra layer of clarity, your team knows exactly what they need to do and when. And with an even better overview of project progress, you have even tighter…
Große Projekte sind komplex … Unterteilen Sie daher ab sofort Ihre Aufgaben – mit Unteraufgaben! So maximieren Sie Ihren Überblick darüber, was von wem bis wann erledigt werden muss – und erreichen den Erfolg Ihres Projekts leichter. Kommen Sie zu unserem Webinar: Erfahren Sie von Matthias Lasselsberger, Account Executive…
Get to know MindMeister as a digital tool to generate mind maps to capture, develop and share ideas visually! In this event, 3 experts will teach us how to get the most out of it under the planning and organization of projects, and maximizing productivity. Register here!
MeisterTask und MeisterNote rücken zusammen und bieten Ihnen die perfekten Werkzeuge für Projektmanagement und Dokumentation. Wie holen Sie nun das Beste aus diesen heraus? Nehmen Sie am spannenden Webinar teil, das von Meister's Senior Account Executive, Aline Martinek, geleitet wird, und lernen Sie das neueste Power-Paar…
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Here is a MindMeister Message Map Template. The Message Map Technique is a strategic communication tool used to align messaging across an organization, ensuring consistency and impact by creating a visual diagram that lays out key messages, proof points, and supporting details for a product, campaign, or initiative. It…
Hey Ihr Lieben, ich möchte heute mal eine Vorlage zeigen, die ich selbst nutze und auch meinen Klienten bei Beratungen oft so empfehle bzw. einrichte. Inhalte für diverse Plattformen lassen sich damit sehr gut im Team aber auch als Einzelkämpfer bearbeiten. Spalte 1 Ideen: hier kommt alles hinein, was evtl. interessant…
Hello everyone. I am a MindMeister sales partner in Japan. I want to introduce a template for PEST analysis, which I usually use. PEST analysis is a marketing framework for macro-environmental analysis. PEST stands for Politics, Economy, Society, and Technology. These four are placed as the main topics of the mind map.…
Planning a party, wedding, business conference, or any sort of event? Mind mapping is a great way to capture and organise everything in one place to make your event a success! Download this "Event Planning" template from Biggerplate and import to your MindMeister account to get started with editing and developing your own…
Press and hold CTRL (on Windows) or Command (on MacOS) to select and apply formatting to multiple topics on your mind map!
This month, tell us about your favourite travel destination! 💖