Swimlanes - separate tasks using columns AND horizontal themes
The problem Our project boards become crowded with tasks and are difficult to view. Our projects become sophisticated and have tasks with multiple themes that would benefit from visual segregation. Why this is important Visualising project work unifies a team and speeds work execution. Even a modest increase in project…
☕️ MeisterTalk: Sharing Your Favorite Kanban Resources
Hey! While the internet productivity world is fantastic, it can also be overwhelming - there's so much out there it can be really hard to know what's actually valuable and worth spending your time reading. I always struggle with this, and recently I was searching for an interesting take on the Kanban method. We're lucky in…
Ich stelle mich vor (französische MeisterTask-Community?)
"Wer nicht wagt, lernt nie aus" mit dieser Satz, sind mein Geschwister und ich groß geworden. Es hieß immer: „Éric, gut, dass du versucht hast. Mit Übung wird es immer besser“. Geboren im Brive in West Frankreich, aufgewachsen in einem Dorf unweit von der Uni-Stadt Poitiers, zwischen jeder Menge Familienmitglied, wurde ich…
Questions about Project management, Guests and Pricing Plans
Hi! I just started trying Meistertask in a quest to find the perfect tool for managing tasks and questions within Architecture projects. So far I like what I see, but I find it a bit difficult to understand if it will work for us. Hopefully you can help me if I explain how we want it to work! In a series of a three project…