[Delivered] MeisterNote Functionality on Mobile App

Andrew Lapidus
Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,009 Community Admin
edited September 2024 in MeisterTask Feature Board

*** UPDATE Oct 24, 2023:

Note functionality will be introduced to the MeisterTask App in Q1 2024.


Original Post:

Dear MeisterNote users: We need your insights! 💪

Our developers are currently actively looking for customer feedback for an upcoming mobile app for MeisterNote.📱

Beyond basic editing capabilities, we'd love to hear more about what you'd need from a MeisterNote app. In particular, we'd love to hear your answer to these questions:

  • How would a mobile app help you and your team? 📈
  • How would you use MeisterNote mobile for personal use? 🙋‍♂️
  • How would you use MeisterNote mobile for collaboration? 🤝
  • Which features would be essential for your team in the MeisterNote mobile app? 🪄
  • MeisterNote is currently available in mobile browsers as a read-only tool. Have you used MeisterNote on your mobile browser? How was this experience? 📱

Feel free to comment and leave your feedback below - and thanks for helping us shape the future of our products! 

20 votes

Delivered! · Last Updated



  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,009 Community Admin

    Thanks so much for the insightful feedback, @Dessy - Glad to hear that MeisterNote has been working out as an internal knowledge base!

    To ask a follow up question and get to know your use case a bit better: Since you and your team use MeisterNote as a knowledge base, we'd be interested to know whether your team would use a MeisterNote mobile app more as a "reference" tool (i.e. to interact/navigate with a knowledge base) or more of a "note-taking" tool to add to the knowledge base and create and manage notes on the fly.

    I just chatted with our MeisterNote product lead about this distinction. When many people think of a "note taking app" they imagine something that could replace the "Notes" app on iOS... A potentially very different core experience than interacting and contributing to an internal knowledge base!

  • Dessy Prasad
    Dessy Prasad EN Business Posts: 75 Star Contributor

    Hi @Andrew Lapidus - We would most likely just use it as a reference tool but it would be nice for us to be able to create notes through there as well, especially via iPad. I know a lot of users have personal notebooks where they take notes so a lot of people would benefit from it being a note-taking app as well!

  • Sabine Rafael
    Sabine Rafael EN Basic Posts: 2 Beginner

    Hi @Andrew Lapidus

    I cannot wait to have a MeisterNote App 🤗

    I use MeisterNote as a knowledge base and also to document customer projects. So, I already very often checked the read-only version in my browser to check some information.

    And sometimes I feel like "oh I need to add this info right away" just to find out that this is not possible at the moment 🙄

    most essential would be the possibility to add information within the app.

    Creating tasks or leaving comments would be also great of course.

    I would also love the possibility to quickly send information or at least a link to Meisternote, e.g. from a browser. Like a clipping tool...

  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,009 Community Admin

    Thanks for the feedback @Sabine Rafael , and welcome to the community 😀 Thanks for sharing your use case here - I have had exactly the same experience of needing to make a quick addition to a MeisterNote while on the subway going to/home from work. Editing and commenting from mobile will definitely be part of an MVP (minimum viable product) for MeisterNote!

  • Bart Verheecke
    Bart Verheecke EN Business Posts: 49 Star Contributor

    For us it's important to be able to capture information on the field and collaborate, meaning we would like to do:

    • basic note taking, including bullet points and check lists
    • add images from the Photo app and Camera app
    • Tag and notify other users
    • Create a task in MeisterTask

    Additionally, it's essential to:

    • Have a more robust notification system across all Meister apps and platforms. It's far too easy to miss a notification now, because one has to check multiple locations.
    • Have a backlink from a MeisterTask to that note in MeisterNote where the task was created/first added.
    • Add support for tables.

  • Christian Müller
    Christian Müller DE Business Posts: 57 Star Contributor

    Hi @Andrew Lapidus,

    I realize your question is a few weeks old, but since I just joined the Meister Community I wanted to chime in.

    We use MeisterNote as our internal knowledge base, for 3 to 5 people, and as a second brain.

    For us a mobile app, and for that matter an offline mode on the desktop, should provide the following functions:

    • Lists and checklists
    • Adding pictures and documents from the device
    • Quick capture of pictures, text and possibly audio in one note
    • Ideally comments and or tagging of colleagues
    • Bonus points for task creation directly in the note.

    And since I mentioned it above: An offline mode for tablets or laptops would be really appreciated. We cannot rely on a stable internet connection when we travel by train in Germany.

    Kind regards,


    Sustainable productivity - what do we really need to be productive? And how sustainable is it?

  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,009 Community Admin

    Hi @sozial-pr and @Bart - definitely not too late to still collect insights here! Thanks for the contributions - our Product team is automatically notified of ideas in this thread!

    To give a short idea on where we are in this process - The MN team is still pouring its focus into making essential additions to the MeisterNote web app - external sharing (scheduled for the first week of December! :D), tables, and other major changes are in the pipeline — The shaping of our mobile app will likely go full steam ahead after these updates are implemented. I'll keep you all updated in this thread!

    As an aside - our team is interested in scheduling 1on1 interviews with users to explore their use cases for mobile. If anyone would be interested in possibly talking to a Meister Product Manager, please don't hesitate to reach out via DM!

  • Christian Müller
    Christian Müller DE Business Posts: 57 Star Contributor

    @Andrew Lapidus Thanks for your timely answer. Process and priorities sound good and are absolutely understandable, thanks for sharing.

    I'll be glad to volunteer for an 1-to-1-interview with your team if I can contribute to the development. Please feel fre to get in touch.

    Sustainable productivity - what do we really need to be productive? And how sustainable is it?

  • Rooster McNugget
    Rooster McNugget MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 681 Community Leader

    Hi @Andrew Lapidus, just got informed about this discussion and I‘m very happy about that because I was a little sad that there is no app for MeisterNote. But there is light at the end of the tunnel!😉

    For me @Bart hit the nail on the head (hope you say that like this in english🙈):

    And as @Dessy I‘m on go a lot of time. So all this points would be perfect for me too! I would prefer also a copy of the web version.

    And what I really really would love is if I could use my Apple Pencile. If you could do that you‘ll be my heros!😋🙃

    Best, Samuel

    The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!

  • Chris Wilson
    Chris Wilson EN Basic Posts: 1 New Here

    This is great news! I love MeisterTask but only recently discovered MindMeister and MeisterNote. It would be great if there was a joint subscription to all three, like there is with the other two.

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin

    Hey @Chris Wilson,

    Our team is working to make a 3-product bundle available - Stay tuned 😃!

    We will share more info with you as soon as we can.



  • Jose Da Silva
    Jose Da Silva EN Basic Posts: 1 New Here

    Are there any updates yet on the Meister Notes App? That would be the most valuable app for me at the time. Thanks!

  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,009 Community Admin

    Hi @Jose Da Silva — no concrete update yet, but I can share that the team is currently working on bringing MeisterNote functionality into the Meistertask mobile app. I myself am also looking forward immensely!



  • Dave Nunn
    Dave Nunn EN Basic Posts: 3 Beginner

    Eagerly awaiting MeisterNote functionality within the existing MeisterTask app - please bring it to Android first 😀 Being able to add new notes (and ideally edit existing notes) will make an already great app even greater!

    • Adding pictures and documents from the device +1
    • Quick capture of pictures, text and possibly audio in one note +1
    • using the native 'share' functionality to save content from other mobile apps.

    Thanks, Dave.

  • Bart Verheecke
    Bart Verheecke EN Business Posts: 49 Star Contributor

    Interesting development. I hope there's a tight integration between Tasks and Notes. For instance:
    - we use MeisterTask to make drawings and designs for projects that we manage in MeisterNote. It would be great if there's an option to create a "placeholder" in MeisterNote, and when the corresponding task in MeisterTask is complete, its final attachment is automatically embedded in the note. This way, we can far more easily track progress of our project in MeisterNote.
    - vice versa: referring to, or uploading or attaching files from MeisterNote into tasks in MeisterTask could be very useful als well.
    - templates in MeisterNote to create a new project that would automatically create an outline with corresponding project and tasks in MeisterTask.

  • Jerry Garden
    Jerry Garden MT Tester, DE Pro Posts: 14 Active Contributor

    Hey Meister Community!

    I know, that im a Newbie here but i think i should let u guys know what i thought and maybe its already planned.

    While i started to organize my Meistertask i stepped across the abilities and capabilities u have with MeisterNote and started to create something in there, but one of my biggest Problems was that i had to use it in a Browser the whole time instead of being able to use it within the MeisterTask–Application or even with an own Application.

    Anyway, what i wanted to mention is that an Integration of MeisterNote into the MeisterTask–App with like an Easy-Switch from your Projects to your Documents without leaving the App or having to go to your Browser and visit Meisternote would be awsome.

    And i know, that u can lay down a Shortcut to a Website on your Desktop, on Keys or a Loupedeck, but it would be ncie to just access it trough the Existing MeisterTask–Application

    Let me guys hear what u think and enjoy your Week!


    Enjoy your Day & Week!

    Best regards,

  • AriDublyu
    AriDublyu EN Pro Posts: 1 Beginner

    Any progress updates oh the MeisterNote Mobile App?

    Now that MeisterNote is available with MeisterTask, the latter feels hobbled on mobile since the former is read-only. As a result, I've not been inclined to use MeisterNote on my mobile devices.

    I would be using MeisterNote the share task details, give feedback, make plans, and collect information from my collaborators. Rich editing that supports similar functions to the web app would be ideal.



  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,009 Community Admin
    edited October 2023

    Hi @Jerry Garden - also very excited for the MN mobile app — it's currently in development!

    You might also be interested in the following discussion on needs and feature requests for the app:

    Best wishes for a great weekend!


  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,009 Community Admin

    Hi @AriDublyu and others! Still no update since last post on July 4th. Currently, the devs are building MN directly into the MT app, so that from the very beginning, functionalities will be shared and integrated within a single app. Looking forward to this as well, but no definitive timeline has yet been released. I'll be 100% sure to keep this thread updated though as soon as more info is available!



  • Christian Müller
    Christian Müller DE Business Posts: 57 Star Contributor

    @Andrew Lapidus Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Please let us know as soon as a beta program is available, I‘d volunteer in a heartbeat. :) Thanks to you and the team for the great work.

    Sustainable productivity - what do we really need to be productive? And how sustainable is it?

  • Chace Campbell
    Chace Campbell MT Tester, EN Pro Posts: 8 Beginner

    Basically, I am hoping and praying that MeisterNote would be a replacement for Evernote. I use Evernote on my phone and iPad — and want to use MeisterNote — as a way to capture ideas, take notes, and snap pictures of things that inspire me, think through projects. By using the task integration link between MeisterNote and MeisterTask, then I can eliminate the current three-step process between taking notes and creating tasks out of my notes.

  • Erik Hoogenraad
    Erik Hoogenraad EN Pro Posts: 4 Beginner

    That would be a great idea, to have an app for MeisterNote. That would create so much flexibility. Handwriting would make it exceptionally great.

    If you looking for a volunteer to test the app, count me in

  • Chris Cunliffe
    Chris Cunliffe MT Tester, EN Business Posts: 65 Star Contributor

    Hi @Andrew Lapidus
    A mobile app for MeisterNote would be a great addition to the product. I use MN for many tasks including market news collation, this can be from static news reports to conversations "in the field". Being able to use phone/tablet with stylus to add notes and views would be brilliant.
    A purpose built app would improve the usability and improve visibility of notes on the go.

    I am getting some good results on this from the AI tool but not perfect. I will book a session to review this shortly, but will post some results later.

    Tables would be a great addition to the main app as I am quite frequently using split data and having to guess the number of spaces between left and right side notes.

    I use MT for checklists on the go but would be good to see this in MN, although the MT version is very usable for anyone who needs this function for now.

    I have to sing the praises of MeisterNote as it has completely replaced my use of several competitor apps (even without the mobile version) and has replaced Word as my tool for function guides, issue resolution notes and, very recently, discovery documents.

    I work for myself so I am my team but I have recently started introducing the products to some of my clients as I have shared notes and tasks plus I use mindmaps in presentations as it is a great tool for explaining the depth of complicated products. It has definitely generated interest, especially with a US client who is looking for a project management tool for a current project.

    Keep up the great work, you have a suoerb 'tool box' and its getting better all the time.


  • Oliver Wich
    Oliver Wich MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 86 Star Contributor

    @Andrew Lapidus Think a desktop-App would be my Prio 1, because it is a tool which i use on desktop during my whole workday

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  • Christian Müller
    Christian Müller DE Business Posts: 57 Star Contributor

    @Andrew Lapidus A quick question: Do you have a rough ETA for an app beta?
    I know development takes time but since we use MeisterNote for a growing number of tasks mobile - and offline - usability becomes more important.

    A quick suggestion: Please consider implementing / developing widgets, for mobile and for desktop. iOS, Android, Windows and Mac OS all support Widgets and the ability to take quick notes directly from a widget would make MeisterNote my one and only Note-Taking-Tool.

    Sorry if that is asking a lot - I know it is at this point in time - but I am increasingly invested and excited in and about MeisterNote.

    Sustainable productivity - what do we really need to be productive? And how sustainable is it?

  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,009 Community Admin

    Thanks all for the feedback and updates here! I'm flagging our mobile lead @Markus Gassenbauer for visibility on the above requests, particularly @Christian Müller 's point about widgets. I would love to be able to give a more exact ETA re: even a beta version of the app. I'm investigating internally regarding what I can communicate as far as a release goes.



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