🤔 Should I ask the community or contact support?
So, you've got a question about MeisterTask? Our community is an excellent resource for sharing expertise and getting answers to questions about any Meister product. If you're looking for advice, feedback, or encountering a problem, chances are that someone in our community has an answer, so go ahead and ask! 🚀 Please keep…
Links in Markdown
Hello everyone, I am trying to embed a link with a specific protocol via Markdown in the task description. The protocol is stored in the registry in every client computer in our company and opens a database object from our ERP system directly via the browser. Below is an example:…
Keine Kontaktaufnahme durch das Vertiebsteam
Liebes Meistertaks Team, ich habe bereits 2 mal euren Vertrieb über euer Kontaktformular kontaktiert. Das erste Mal vor ca. 2,5 Wochen und dann vor 5 Tagen bezüglich einer EDU-Campus Lizenz. Leider habe ich bis heute keinerlei Antwort von euch erhalten. Meine Testversion ist leider abgelaufen und ich würde gerne kaufen:)…
Vertical scrolling
In Edge when I try to scroll down, the tasks move up so it is really hard to go through my tasks. What happens?
Line break in notes via API
Hello everyone, to all developers: I am trying in vain to get a line break in the body parameter “notes” via the Meister API when creating a new task with “https://www.meistertask.com/api/sections/{section_id}/tasks”. No matter what I pass in the string, it does not give me a line break. What I have tried: \n \r\n \u2028…
Error in API Call "post-checklist-item"
Hi MeisterTask-Developers, I have discovered an error in your API: the api reference page has an error in: https://developers.meistertask.com/reference/post-checklist-item It's asking for a task_id instead of checklist_id. Maybe a copy paste problem. when I post a checklist entry and specify the status 5 (completed), it…
Custom desktop background
Hi, by deactivating the paid plan, after paying for it for several years, even just because I liked the desktop app, since this is no longer supported, I decided to switch to the Basic plan... but is it possible that not even the custom background image is allowed in the free plan? Really unfriendly and uninviting for new…
Support Options at Meister
When one encounters a problem, they probably click on the help button. And then on "contact support". This links to "Ask the Community" and not to the support. And there, if you tell about your problem, Mindmeister doesn't like it (I think they are right because it is not the support but the community) and they ask to…
Duplicate keyboard shortcut?
Hello. I am using the Kanban board in MeisterTask. Is there a keyboard shortcut to duplicate a card without opening the card and going up to the three-dots then selecting duplicate? It would be faster if we could remain on the board since the duplicating would appear in a section on the board and we would see it happen in…
White Screen Dashboard
I'm here with some people, and we all use Meister, but today we're all getting a white screen when trying to use it. We've already cleared the browser cookies and cache... The issue only happens on the "dashboard" tab, but when opening a project link, it works normally.
Time tracking view
Hi Does anyone know how or whether you can get the total time of all team members to show as the default at the top of the task without having to click into the time log. Currently I am the project owner and the task is also assigned to me, but the total time showing at the top of the task is only the time I have recorded.…
API - 403 Forbidden
As of yesterday our API stopped working and I am getting the "403 - Forbidden" response code. I also see that the response it returns is Cloudflares "Just a moment…" Is there any changes in how the api works?
e-mail notifications - add checklist
I would like to know if it is possible to disable email notifications when a checklist item is added. I have kept notifications enabled only for when a new task is assigned to me, but I still receive multiple emails whenever the task owner updates a checklist. Thank you.
Freeze error
Has anyone else experienced the same problem? Any solutions? The comment freezes while being written. The comment is sent while the Japanese input conversion is in progress. The problem is reproducible. It does not seem to be dependent on the OS or browser. This problem that does not occur with iOS apps.
Help with reordering Note pages and knowing where a new Note page will be created.
Hello everyone, I am using the basic version of MeisterTask and Meisternote. I have created some pages in but they are not in the order that I want them to be in. I thought I would be able to just drag and drop them to reorder but it doesn’t seem possible unless I am missing something? How do I reorder the notes pages?…
Error JSON export failed
I had also made exports as backup JSON but they turned out to be only CSVs without an archive of TAGs and LISTS... Thanks for your attention
Doppelte Einträge vermeiden, wie?
Hallo, wir sind ein kleines Team und erhalten oft Aufgaben für Kollegen oder arbeiten gemeinsam an Projekten. Leider kommt es bei uns doch recht häfig vor, dass wir Aufgaben doppelt anlegen. Der eine beim Projekt Finanzen, der andere zum Beispiel bei Personal. Je nachdem wie die Person X dies eben einschätzt. Die Folgen…
Tasks templates as lesson plans...but not a recurring task: client management
I run online courses and in a blended mode I need to track which lessons have been completed for which client (no my LMS doesn't have that feature). I'm in the process of setting up a project with each client as a section and the courses they are taking configured as as tasks, subtasks, and checklists. Each course has…
MeisterTask cant get in
Is the MeisterTask working? I get this "Server ERROR" and then it send me back to the "Plans upgrade page"
Relatorio flexivel por periodo de cronometro
Tenho algumas duvidas em como tirar um relatório por um período de data de registros eu trabalho muito com cronometro, starto o cronometro para cada TAREFA que estou operando, portanto, preciso de um filtro flexível para poder usar a data do cromômero, bem como os relatório também, só tem por CRIADO,CONCLUIDO e PRAZO, nem…
I want to quit this system
Please quit this system
how do you hook up to google or apple calandar
I want to use a calander for my tasks and the one that comes with it doesn't have any time other than all day.
License renewal and update of billing details
Hello, I have had an account for two years and have collected and entered a lot of (research) data, which I absolutely need now. I have tried several times to change and update my bank details (because my VISA was stolen and therefore blocked), without success. The MindMeister page first sent me back to my home banking for…
About functionality in MeisterTask:
In MeisterTask, I add sections at the top and name them "Completed." Then, I move completed tasks to this section and mark them as "Complete Task." Afterward, I export the project to an XLS file. However, in the exported XLS file, I cannot find the tasks I marked as completed, and their dates are incorrect. How can I…
Unable to manage tags
Hi, I think I'm running into a bug, or it's not included in the free plan anymore. The "Manage" link in the Tags widget is nowhere to be found. It's not there in the desktop app, nor in the web app.
Why can I not access MeisterTask from my Android?
Hello, since a few weeks, I can no longer access my meistertask account on my ANDROID smartphone ( android 12, Xiaomi mi9 T ). The application sends me an error ( java.security.cert.certvalidatpathorexception: trust anchor for certification path not found ) Can you give me a workaround. Thank you !
Do you have API or plaugins available or any inline code
Can we integrate your tool on our online software platform?
Import Notion Board into MT?
Dear all, I did find some posts re MT-Notion connect topics, but nothing re. my ( plus a customer´s) current question: → Is there a way of importing a notion board into MT? Any hints / experiences would be great. Thx a lot , Tilman
How to change the language?
Hello, I want to change the language from French to English in my account. How can I do this?
Can I generate a report showing the tasks completed by each team member?
Hi I'm new to MeisterTask and I love it already. I'm wondering is it possible to generate a report showing what tasks have been completed by which team member? I can see what tasks have been completed and who they were assigned to (mostly unassigned at the moment) but I can't see if there's a way to show who is completing…
Stopping a “recurring automation" (wiederkehrende Autom. einstellen, wobei "einstellen" = "stoppen")
Kanban: I once set a “recurring automation” ("wiederkerende Automation") for a specific task in a specific column. (A new task is automatically created for me once a week). I would like this “recurring automation” to be stopped. How is this done? Thanks. Cheers Benoît