Mindmeister crashing on all my iOS devices after latest update
After the latest update of Mindmeister APP (8.2.18) on iOS on both my iPhone and iPad on latest iOS (17.5.1) , Mindmeister crashes after I start it. When I open the app, it goes to the Home Screen, I get a pink dialog with a progress spinner appears that says "Refreshing Maps", and the then app crashes. I've not been able…
I can't delete a map once created -
Latest version of chrome - the dev tools shows a server error/500 - I'm not seeing an id included with the POST data, or as part of the URL as far as I can tell - and the 500 goes away if I include the idea_id within a $curl -D command, however, it still doesn't delete.. not sure where this post belongs, if I'm off - I…
Restore after crash
There should be a feature where when your computer crashes it resets to the last stable version
App keeps closing on Android. What do I do?
Hi, I was able to use the app fine for months. Since a few days ago, the app keeps crushing. It is the same after I delete and reinstall the app. After I login, the mindmeister app keeps closing everytime I open. I can use the map fine from my browser or the app from my iPad. The issue is only in my Android phone app. How…
[SOLVED] Mobile App keeps crashing at map listing
I think I have too many mind maps. Why does a list of mindmap have to be so resource-intensive? My phone is new and has 12 GB of RAM, which is more than what my laptop has and that thing can easily handle it.