[DELIVERED] 💡 Feature Request: Presentations in the New Editor 🎥
Presentation mode is by far our most requested feature for the new editor. Currently, the feature is scheduled to be implemented in Q1 of 2023. The MM team is super welcoming of feedback as they begin designing and implementing the feature - please feel free to detail your specific use case to help us make sure the new…
[DELIVERED] 💡Feature Request: Custom Themes in the New Editor
One of our most requested features for the new editor is reintroducing customizable and saveable themes for your mind maps: selecting individual options such as topic background color, line color, and more. The MM team is super welcoming of feedback as they begin designing and implementing the feature - please feel free to…
[Delivered] Change the Color of Completed Tasks in MindMeister Topics
Hi, I believe it would be greatly useful if an integrated from MT task was also highlighted/crossed out or marked any other way as completed in MM. It is way more comfortable while working on different tasks and directions. In case you manage to implement such a function I’ll subscribe and move all of my projects from…
[Delivered] Saving custom font colors for future use.
I was looking for a way to save a custom font color instead of trying to recreate it everytime. From responses that I've received, it sounds like I need to wait for a future release., In the meantime, so I don't have to recreate them every time, I store my custom font colors in another bubble for easy reference: For easier…
[Delivered] Enable to copy image from a node
Please help implement that. It will be very useful for me so I can still subscribe to the paid service.
[IMPLEMENTED] Small fix request: remove browser support warning for Brave
Hi all, I'm using MindMeister from Brave browser on Mac and yesterday started to see warning: "This browser will only be supported until May 10.Please upgrade your browser to take full advantage of our app." This article states that Google Chrome 85+ is fully supported on Mac, so should Brave because they are using the…
A cada dia que passa a ferramenta está pior, inventam tanto que acabam deixando a ferramenta mais difícil de manipular, a última invenção agora entretanto serviu apenas para deixar os mapas poluídos visualmente, para que incluir um ícone de mídia quando inserimos um mero ícone?
[Implemented!] Display notes in bigger picture
would be nice if the notes would better than just little bubbles with some text inside of it. I use mindmeister for studying a lot, and I jot notes about everything in topics, and then to read them is a bit annoying because the notes are very small and can't be zoomed in. a good solution would be a side panel that bigger…
[IMPLEMENTED] Copy URL attached to branches without opening the site
In the old editor, it was possible to copy an URL attached to a branch without opening the respective site. In the new editor, the context menue to the URL offers only two choices: "open" or "delete". I use MM in different circumstances as a tool for knowledge management. One function is, to organize Links. Sometimes e.g.…
[IMPLEMENTED] Copy/Paste style when editing a mind map
I want to be able to quickly copy all style elements from one bubble to the next without having to go into the color settings, text formatting, and layout settings on the bubble in which style I want to copy. Example of use: In photoshop you can copy layer style and paste it to other layers.
[Delivered] Shortcut (or simply enable ESC) to close the Note Window
I can quickly add a note doing ALT + SHIFT + N, but if I can't close the note from the keyboard than it's useless
shortcut to create links in notes
for somebody who's not used to markdown, writing links in that way is really annoying. "ctrl + k" is a very common shortcut for creating links in many platforms, it would be nice to work in mindmeister too.