Persistent Styles panel (at least)

One should be able to leave the Styles panel open. In the new editor it auto-closes, in the old editor it was persistent. Also, the choice of suboption (tab) within the panel should definitely persist regardless.

I markup and extend student mindmaps which requires constant and repeated use of the Styles panel in particular. Having to re-open the Styles panel every time and also to re-pick which tab within the panel I was using gets very annoying very fast!

Persistence of the panel (and the suboption tab within it) is one way in which the old editor was superior.



P.S. For me as a teacher, the New Editor is really quite a disaster. That has a lot to do with several aspects of the new Styles panel. One of these issues is the issue discussed above.

6 votes

Open for voting · Last Updated


  • Admin
    Admin MT Tester, EN Pro, EN Business Posts: 481 Community Leader

    Thanks for pointing out the important features from an educator's perspective.

    Best regards @Greg Ray!


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    NORMA STARY EN Basic Posts: 1 New Here

    I came here to find out how to keep the panel open. Having to click on it EVERY SINGLE TIME I change to a new topic is starting to be infuriating.