Style and Boundary presets (bring back)

Well-chosen Style and Boundary presets would be (and were) invaluable.

In the New Editor one must build such things from scratch each and every time. That is a terrible waste of time. (Can one even get the same color fill twice?)

I markup and extend student mindmaps which requires constant and repeated use of the Styles panel in particular. Having to build certain node Styles and Boundaries from scratch each time is pretty much a distaster. The New Editor as it stands is a deal-breaker. So, I am living in Legacy Editor and hoping the New will mature in a good direction.

The old Boundary presets were an exactly perfect family of boundary looks. (I note with sadness the loss of angular boundaries in the new editor. A much better look for many purposes than a box.)

The old node Style presets had many more options that necessary for me, but included several I used constantly. (Lined with a fill color in light blue, red, orange. These saw constant use for me.)



P.S. For me as a teacher, the New Editor is unuseable. That has a lot to do with several aspects of the new Styles panel. One of these issues is the issue discussed above.

4 votes

Open for voting · Last Updated


  • Admin
    Admin MT Tester, EN Pro, EN Business Posts: 481 Community Leader

    Thanks for the feature request @Greg Ray!

    I'd like to see those presets too.

    Best regards.


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  • Greg Ray
    Greg Ray EN Basic Posts: 11 Beginner
    edited May 2023

    Having now spent (per force) more time with the new Editor, I am convinced that the best solution to the need expressed here is a category of custom presets. I suspect that most everyone, like me, resolves to using a fairly small set of distinguished "looks" for nodes. So, the ability to set custom presets for i) node style, ii) boundary style, and iii) emoji stamp, and have these available on a panel would be a real boon. Even the range of "stamps" (emoji/symbols) on a node that I would regularly use is quite small.** A single undifferentiated panel of custom presets could accommodate them all, and would quickly become practically the only styling panel I'd be using.*

    All best,


    (*) I have elsewhere wished that one be able to make these panels stay open if desired. So, that too.

    (**) The eight emoji in my regular use in marking student maps: ✅❌⚠️1️⃣2️⃣3️⃣4️⃣🔷

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,613 Community Admin

    Thanks for the additional info @Greg Ray - I've given my upvote!
