Is there a way to merge two user accounts?

KizerC EN Basic Posts: 2 Beginner

I created my MeisterTask account recently using my company email and started a project. I then implemented the MS Teams integration for that project. However, I discovered during that process that my MS Teams license is tied to a different alias of my business email, and now I have two separate MeisterTask accounts that share the same name. What's the best way to resolve this? Is there a way to merge the two accounts into a single one?


Best Answer


  • Marlene Lechner
    Marlene Lechner Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 56 Success Manager

    Hi @KizerC, happy friday!
    Our support team will have a look at your case, I have just created a support ticket for you. They will reach out to you shortly :)


  • KizerC
    KizerC EN Basic Posts: 2 Beginner

    Fantastic, thank you so much for your help!


  • Gravitate Joel
    Gravitate Joel EN Basic Posts: 3 Beginner

    I have the same issue. I need to merge a personal and business account. @Marlene Lechner and @Andrew Lapidus Do I need to file a ticket?

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,676 Community Admin

    Hi @Gravitate Joel,

    I've just made a support request for you! Someone will be in touch with you shortly via email.

