Question about Timeline

Adrian Acevedo
Adrian Acevedo EN Basic Posts: 1 New Here
edited April 2023 in Ask the Community

I want to hire the timeline service with a business account, my question is to know if with just one



  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,009 Community Admin

    Hi @Adrian Acevedo - welcome to the community! Not sure precisely what you'd like to know about timeline, could you provide a bit more information? Then the community could help to figure out if that would be possible. :)

    I'll also tag @Andres D'Andrea, our Spanish-speaking MT expert, as he might also be able to help.

  • Admin
    Admin MT Tester, EN Pro, EN Business Posts: 481 Community Leader

    Hey, thanks for the tag here @Andrew Lapidus

    @Adrian Acevedo, bienvenido a la comunidad!

    Parece que tu pregunta se quedó incompleta al momento de publicarla, ¿a qué te refieres con "solo una"?

    Si gustas puedes responder por acá en Español, estaré encantado de orientarte con cualquier duda que tengas.

    Saludos 👍

    Andrés D'Andrea

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