Salesforce CRM Integration for MeisterTask

Dessy Prasad
Dessy Prasad EN Business Posts: 71 Star Contributor

We use Salentica CRM (built on top of the Salesforce platform) internally. Would love to see a direct integration between the two!

4 votes

Open for voting · Last Updated


  • Tim Strupat
    Tim Strupat MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 19 Active Contributor

    With Salesforce being Market leader in CRM systems, it is rather surprising that there is no direct integration. Definitely waiting for that as well!

    Stay enthusiastic and organised!


  • JVanSickle
    JVanSickle EN Basic Posts: 4 Beginner

    Lack of CRM integration is why I could not convert my sales department over to MeisterTask.

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,610 Community Admin

    Hey @Dessy, @Tim Strupat , @JVanSickle!

    Thanks for the suggestion - a MeisterTask-CRM integration is clearly in demand! We'll be sure to keep you updated with any developments.

