Automation of Email Notifications is Not Working

Vca IT Admin
Vca IT Admin EN Pro Posts: 3 Beginner

I just noticed last week that my automation for emailing me upon the creation of an open task is not working. I've set up an email address for my helpdesk. When teachers email that address, a task is created in my helpdesk project and it emails me and another IT support person. It has worked with no problems for a few months. Now it has stopped working. I even deleted the automation and recreated it, but I am not getting notified. I've checked spam and email logs, but I don't see anything.


  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,007 Community Admin

    Hi @VCA-Admin - just checked on my side and it seemed to work: both the "e-mail to task" feature and the "Send E-Mail" automation seem to be working on my side. Just to make sure I understand your workflow, is this what you're using?:

    1. A user sends an e-mail to the to address associated with a column in your project, causing a task to be created.
    2. There is a "Send E-Mail" automation on the column in question, which triggers an e-mail to be sent to a specific address.

    Sounds like step 1 is working (i.e. a task is created), but step 2 isn't (no e-mail is sent to you or the support person). Is that correct?

  • Vca IT Admin
    Vca IT Admin EN Pro Posts: 3 Beginner

    That is correct. The task is created, but the project members are not getting notified.

  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,007 Community Admin

    Thanks for the update @VCA-Admin, and sorry for the headach! Hm… I checked internally and we're not aware of any active bugs concerning this automation. It seems to be working on my end — as a last troubleshooting possibility, could you see if it works to send auto e-mails to other addresses (e.g. your personal e-mail address)? This can help us see if something has changed with the security settings on the receivers' e-mail domain. Let me know if e-mails to all other e-mail address aren'T working either — then I will get our engineering team involved in this investigation.



  • Vca IT Admin
    Vca IT Admin EN Pro Posts: 3 Beginner

    It seems to be working now. Not sure what happened, but a win is a win. Thanks for looking into it.