How can I set the default role for a shared project link to read only?

Natalie Kettelhake
Natalie Kettelhake DE Business Posts: 5 Beginner

When I share my project link for an invite, I'd like the new members to get the role "read only". The project will be maintained by only a few, but is supposed to be visible for all or at least a quite large number of people and we do not want to invite every one in single steps. Also: a link is more effectice whenever a new employee gets on board.

Is there a way to change the default role for this? We tested but the new user gets the member role. And if so, is it for this specific project or a general setting?

Thank you!


  • Joerg Koper
    Joerg Koper MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 1,469 Community Leader

    Hi @Natalie and welcome to the community 👋🙂

    When you want to invite some members to a project, you can insert the email addresses separated by a comma and assign them the desired role with one click:

    When you need to invite a lot of team members, you can do it by using the invitation via csv import. You may have a look at the information about managing project members and about the difference between private and team projects too.

    Best, Jörg

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  • Natalie Kettelhake
    Natalie Kettelhake DE Business Posts: 5 Beginner

    Dear Jörg,

    thanks for answering but - and it is sadly a really big but - that's what I explicitly do not want to do. In this special case (but a lot more possible) although it is not of my understanding what a task management is primary for, we have for example a project that's used for repeated monitoring tasks. It is a kind of fixed membership for the role member but is supposed to be shared with everyone - but no one wants to actively share it via typing mail addresses. So we meant to share the link instead. But sadly there seems no way to change the default value for the role that is given to those who follow the link. Even a csv would be too much to keep it up to date and all.

    I guess I found another feature request. :D Damn…

    Still thanks for the info about the change to the roles for a group of users. May become handy in other situations soon.

    Best regards


  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,610 Community Admin

    Hi @Natalie Kettelhake,

    Unfortunately, Jörg's suggestion is the only one at the moment - i.e. adding emails, separating by comma and changing the permissions. But having the option to change the default setting of the share link is a brilliant feature request! I'd definitely upvote :).

