❓Team Members Not Able to Join Team
I'm trying to add new team members and experiencing two different issues which I've also sent to support but thought I would see if anyone here has ideas as well.
The first is a person who already has a basic account using their email address. When they click on the join team link it says "you can't join a team with a different email address" but it's not different, it's the same.
The second is a new addition. He clicked on the "Join Team" link in the email and received a message saying they would send him an email to "activate his account". But the email that was sent was a repeat of the "invitation to join" email. On my side it suggests he's now a member of my team but he can't login. When he tries to login it says he needs to activate his account which then starts the entire loop over again.
Please let me know if anyone has run into this in the past and knows a solution.
Update: I just reset the password for the second person through the admin portal and that seems to have resolved that and I can now login as him. Though clearly there's something wrong with how that's process is set up on the back end. Still working through ideas and options on the other person.
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Update: I decided to create an email alias for my first person's basic account and we changed the email address on that account so it would be different from the address I was trying to invite to my team. That resolved the "you can't join a team with a different email address problem" but then she still was not able to join when clicking "join team". Ultimately I revoked her invitation, reissued it, and then she was able to join. But clearly there is some problem on the back end that it would not allow the conversion from Basic account to Team Member account. I'm wondering if if might have to do with the fact that she was a Guest User on some tasks on our account? While I was able to devise a work around it should not require that.
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