Custom Fields usable/readable for Pro Users?

Philip Gossner
Philip Gossner DE Pro Posts: 4 Active Contributor

Hey Community, I have the following question:

My team and I all use Pro-Accounts atm, but me as the admin would benefit from creating custom fields for my co-workers. But they don't need this feature right now.

So if only I get a Business-Subscription and put in all custom fields into a project, will they all see and be able to use it only being Pro-Users?

Thank you!


Best Answer

  • Joerg Koper
    Joerg Koper MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 1,494 Community Leader
    Answer ✓

    Good morning @Philip Gossner 👋🙂

    If you're working with a team, you unfortunately can't create a Business Account, while leaving the rest of the team back as Pro users. The team always have to be part of the same account level… so to say 😉 …to be able to get the best out of MeisterTask.

    I hope, I could help you out.

    Best, Jörg

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