🚀 Update: What’s New & What’s Next (Jan 2024) 

Cornelia Patscheider
Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,285 Community Admin

Exciting times ahead! We've been working hard to enhance MeisterTask. Here's a quick rundown of what we've introduced and what's in the pipeline.

✨ What’s New in MeisterTask?

Over the past few months, we’ve rolled out some fantastic features:

  • Subtasks Update: We have improved subtasks and made them even better. Now, you can add existing tasks as subtasks. You can complete, archive, and delete subtasks with their parent task.
    In order to add an existing subtask:
    1. Click on Add Subtask in the parent task.
    2. Choose Or link existing task.
    3. Type in the title of the existing task.

  • Add Notes to Tasks (New Feature): Linking back to notes from tasks is now a breeze, offering direct access to crucial documentation from within the task window. Learn more
  • Add Tasks to Notes (Improved Feature): Easily view all tasks from a page, providing a clear and organized workload snapshot in your notes. This provides:
    • Easy Task Overview Access: Just click the "Task" icon on the right sidebar.
    • Comprehensive Task Display: View both embedded and linked tasks conveniently.
    • Flexible Task Filtering: Sort tasks by various categories like Open, Completed, etc.
    • Efficient Task Management Tools: Complete tasks and manage details right from the note.
    • Learn more
  • Sort Tasks in Agenda: Organize your tasks in Agenda sections by various criteria.
  • Improved Timestamp in Comments: We've updated the task window to show the actual date and time for comments & activities on tasks that are older than 48 hours.
  • New Templates for Projects and Notes: Explore and utilize our new diverse template collection. Check them out
  • Note - Group Sharing: Teams can now manage the permissions of predefined user groups, such as "Marketing department" or "HR," all at once instead of having to do it individually. This feature, which is similar to MeisterTask, will enable users to share notes with groups as well as individuals.
  • External Sharing on Pro and Business Subscriptions: Collaborating with people outside your team on any project or note is easy. Suppose you want to share any projects or notes with a collaborator who is outside your team. In that case, this is available on our Pro- and Business-Subscription.

🚀 What’s Coming Next?

Get ready for these upcoming features:

  • Ask Meister AI: An AI-powered search tool to find information and summaries from your notes swiftly. (If you have already seen/used this, and the button is missing, don’t worry. Unfortunately, we had found some issues that decreased the performance. We hope to release this fantastic feature very, very soon (again) in the coming weeks!)
  • List View for Projects: We are currently looking at creating a new List View as an alternative to the Kanban Board View. In the near future, when you access your project, you will have the option to switch to this List View, enabling you to see all tasks organized in a straightforward, list format.
  • Unified & Improved Search: An intuitive, powerful search tool for both projects and notes.
  • Mobile Access to Notes: Soon, view your notes on the MeisterTask app, with more mobile features coming later.

We hope you're as excited about these new features and enhancements as we are! If you have any suggestions for features that you would like to see in the future, please share them with us. You can do so in the Feature Ideas Section of our community (here for MeisterTask).

Don't forget to check if your idea has already been posted before sharing it or upvoting existing ideas. We are excited to see your ideas!

If you have questions, please share them in the comments.

Cheers, Cornelia 👋



  • Michelle Hoffmann
    Michelle Hoffmann EN Basic Posts: 10 Beginner


  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,285 Community Admin

    thanks @Michelle Hoffmann , that a typo ;)

  • Michelle Hoffmann
    Michelle Hoffmann EN Basic Posts: 10 Beginner

    Making existing tasks subtasks is amazing. Love that!

  • Cesar Abeid
    Cesar Abeid EN Business Posts: 4 Beginner

    Thanks for the update!

  • Thorsten Kerbs
    Thorsten Kerbs DE Business Posts: 3 Beginner

    I am already longing for the Mobile Access to Notes! 🤩

  • Peter Rentschler
    Peter Rentschler DE Business Posts: 4 Beginner

    Hello Cornelia, when is roll-out for List View for Projects?

  • Cathy Fanning
    Cathy Fanning MT Tester, EN Business Posts: 190 Mastermind

    Hi @Cornelia Patscheider Very excited about all the updates so far and what's coming down the line. MeisterTask just keeps getting better and better.


    Cathy Fanning


  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,285 Community Admin
    edited January 2024

    Hi @Peter Rentschler, at the moment the List View is "under consideration". This idea is currently being viewed, tested and evaluated by Meister's product team. There are many different factors that the team is looking at for evaluation and feasibility.

    Everybody at Meister is very excited about this feature. But, we are in an early stage, at the moment, there is no information yet when/if this idea will move into the next phase "in development" and actually be developed.

  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,009 Community Admin

    Amazing — super excited for these! (And also very intrigued by list view :D)

  • Christian Müller
    Christian Müller DE Business Posts: 57 Star Contributor

    @Cornelia Patscheider Thanks for the update. Two questions if you don't mind:

    1. I am only reading "view your notes on the MeisterTask app". Does that mean, that editing will come (much) later?
    2. Following up on MeisterNote: Are there any plans for offline capability?

      Thanks in advance.

      Kind regards,

    Sustainable productivity - what do we really need to be productive? And how sustainable is it?

  • Marlene Heinen
    Marlene Heinen DE Business Posts: 53 Star Contributor

    Re-Attaching changes alot 🤩, thank you. Then there is a work around for repeating tasks with subtasks. Maybe there will be an dupplicate with subtasks soon?

    I noticed that only if you complete the task in the Task view it is asking to complete/delete the subtasks too. I did not got the the extra window via right click. Is that wanted?

  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,285 Community Admin
    edited January 2024

    Hi @Christian Müller ,

    1. our engineers are working continuously on making notes available on the MeisterTask app. As a first step, only the "viewing" feature will be available. So the answer is yes, at the beginning viewing without editing will be possible. The engineers will tackle note editing and viewing & adding comments next. This is a very big work package that will most likely take several months to complete.
    2. As far as I know viewing notes and pages will also be possible offline.
  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,285 Community Admin

    Hi @Marlene Heinen , I totally agree with you. I love re-attaching tasks as subtasks already!

    Could you explain more what you mean by "I did not got the extra window via right click", I am not sure I know what you mean here. The extra window that is asking to complete/delete the subtasks only shows up when you click on the complete button, as far as I know.

  • Marlene Heinen
    Marlene Heinen DE Business Posts: 53 Star Contributor

    If use this right click menu I never get asked and only complete the main task.

  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,285 Community Admin

    Wow! When I do a right-click, then I do not see these options 😳 I am guessing that this is something browser related 🤷‍♀️

  • Marlene Heinen
    Marlene Heinen DE Business Posts: 53 Star Contributor

    Well, maybe I should have mention that I use the windows app 🙄, sorry. Using the browser I don't have the menu either. Than the extra window is only missing, when using automations 😉 like auto-close when moving the task to "done".

  • Chris Cunliffe
    Chris Cunliffe MT Tester, EN Business Posts: 65 Star Contributor

    Is there anything on the roadmap for a COPILOT that will work across the Meister Suite of apps?

    The MeisterNote AI tool was proving more and more useful but a Copilot concept across everything would be even better.



  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,285 Community Admin

    Hi @Chris Cunliffe , at the moment there is no information available regarding a copilot. I totally agree with you that the AI tool was very useful, I am looking forward to using it again. If the team is developing this further or a copilot appears on our roadmap in the future, then I will let you know :)