How to Move Project to Group on MacOS?

Poppy EN Basic Posts: 4 Beginner
edited February 2023 in Ask the Community

On my iOS apps, I can drag a project into a project group, no problem. But on my desktop MacOS app, I can't figure out how. The online help page only illustrates the way it works on my iOS apps. Anybody know what I'm overlooking?

Best Answer

  • Poppy
    Poppy EN Basic Posts: 4 Beginner
    Answer ✓

    Figured it out. I was TRYING to drag a project out of the "recent projects" group but that can't be done. When I found the actual project way down in the "my projects" group, they dragged just fine.


  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,610 Community Admin

    Hi @Poppy and welcome to the Community! I'm glad that you managed to work it out. You know where to find us if you need anything else! 😃

  • Alias4611
    Alias4611 DE Pro Posts: 12 Beginner

    I had the same problem. Thanks for telling us how to resolve this issue. I am using the test version and this issue needs a definite change, it's like a bug in the software. Please change so that project can ALWAYS be dragged and dropped into other project groups! Thank you.

  • Alias4611
    Alias4611 DE Pro Posts: 12 Beginner

    Noch etwas: Wenn ich ein Projekt lösche, möchte ich nicht einen Monat lang das Projekt noch im Dashboard sehen mit dem Verweis "Löschung in einem Monat". Bitte sofort ausblenden und archivieren zum Löschen in 30 Tagen! Das macht alles sehr unübersichtlich.