Copy/Paste images to tasks

Manikiran Puranam
Manikiran Puranam Unconfirmed, EN Basic Posts: 1 Beginner
edited October 2022 in MeisterTask Feature Board

We should be able to just paste the images in to the task after snap shot.

Right now , we have to save the snapshot and upload into task, which is not user friendly .

Please do this as soon as possible

1 votes

Already offered · Last Updated


  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,009 Community Admin

    Hi @manikiranoffice , welcome to the community!

    This should actually already be possible - you can paste an image into a task using CTRL + V (and you can also drag and drop an image file onto a task).

    However, this won't work if you've selected the task description, title, or checklist (i.e. if you're typing in a text box) - the image won't get pasted. Try clicking somewhere else in the task window and pasting again, and it should work. Let me know if that helped!

