[In Development]: Unified Notification Center

Bart Verheecke
Bart Verheecke EN Business Posts: 50 Star Contributor
edited November 2024 in MeisterTask Feature Board

It's far too easy to miss a notification as you currently have to look on the website itself. And as MeisterNote doesn't have an app or email integration, our users currently miss a lot of updates and comments.

it would be great to come up with a unified Notification Center across the 3 meister apps, and be able to check all notifications on the website, apps and optionally, email.

4 votes

In Development · Last Updated


  • Bart Verheecke
    Bart Verheecke EN Business Posts: 50 Star Contributor

    With the integration of MeisterTask and MeisterNote, this seems more relevant than ever. The dashboard of MeisterTask should show all notifications, including the ones from Notes.

  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,272 Community Admin

    Hi @Bart Verheecke ,

    I wanted to give you an update, that this feature you've been suggesting is now under consideration! 🚀

    💡 Under Consideration: This idea is currently being viewed, tested and evaluated by Meister's product team. There are many different factors that the team is looking at for evaluation and feasibility. At the moment, the plan is to unify the notifications from MeisterTask and Notes. MindMeister's notifications will probably not be included for now. We will tackle this on the web as well as the MeisterTask mobile apps.

    📅 Expected timeline: There is no information yet when this idea will actually be developed and released. I will update this thread as soon as I get more information. If you have any questions, let me know.

    All the best, ✨Cornelia

  • Marian Mihelic
    Marian Mihelic DE Pro Posts: 1 Beginner

    Would love to have that unified notification center!

  • FrançoisJaeger CODE
    FrançoisJaeger CODE EN Business Posts: 10 Beginner

    And by the way, allow notifications on a project basis, more granular than the current app centric notifications. Depending on the ways we use projects, some need notifications but others don’t.

    Thank’s for listening

  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,272 Community Admin

    Hi @FrançoisJaeger CODE ,

    that sounds like a great idea. I would suggest that you create a feature idea here out of this, so other users can upvote your idea.

  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,272 Community Admin
    edited November 2024

    Hi everyone 👋,

    I have some exciting news to share: the feature you've been waiting for is now in development! 🚀

    🟢 In Development: This feature about unified notifications in projects, tasks and notes is not just on our roadmap, but it is already under active development! Our dedicated Meister developers are hard at work, turning this idea into a reality.

    📅 Expected Release Timeline: We are aiming to roll out this fantastic new feature by the end of this year or, at the beginning of next year. It will be available first on the iOS and Android apps, and later on the web app.

    Have a great start into the week,


  • Bart Verheecke
    Bart Verheecke EN Business Posts: 50 Star Contributor

    That's great news!

  • FrançoisJaeger CODE
    FrançoisJaeger CODE EN Business Posts: 10 Beginner

    Aaaaaaaaahhhh 😃 🍾

  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,272 Community Admin

    Hi everyone 👋,

    quick update on the development of this feature: Our team has made good progress on this new feature and is currently looking for Beta Testers who are willing to test the new feature and get early access.

    If you are interested, then please click on the post below for more details and how to sign up 👇