I am not able to see or interact with the Dashboard. I see a greeting sign but no buttons to select.

Cosmicbeingz Cosmos
Cosmicbeingz Cosmos EN Free Trial Posts: 1 New Here

I am using Firefox 129.0 browser and I can only see the greeting box when the page comes up…but can't see any buttons or other text to interact with. Any ideas on how I can see and access the action buttons…? MeisterTask does look good in the videos. Hope I can try it out. Thanks. Robert

PS I sent 2 emails to hello@info.meister.co but have not received any replies. Is the the correct email for me to ask for help?


  • Joerg Koper
    Joerg Koper MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 1,489 Community Leader

    Hi @Cosmicbeingz Cosmos and welcome to the community 👋🙂

    I can't reproduce the problem on my Firefox browser.

    Can you please try the following steps?

    • install the latest Firefox update (130.0.1)
    • deactivate all script blockers for the URL's of Meister
    • logout, delete the cache, re-login

    I hope this helps.

    Best, Jörg

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