How can I insert more icons or symbols in one field?

Dometa GmbH
Dometa GmbH DE Basic Posts: 2 New Here

I have to symolise more things in a field, so I need more icons or symbols. Is it possible? How? Thanks for your help!



  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,249 Community Admin

    Hi @Dometa GmbH ,

    the topic is only able to contain one main emoji, but additionally, you can add in the text as many emojis as you want. To do this:

    1. During text entry, type Windows logo key  + . (period). The emoji keyboard will appear.
    2. Select an emoji with the mouse, or keep typing to search through the available emojis for one you like.

    I hope this helps.

  • Dometa GmbH
    Dometa GmbH DE Basic Posts: 2 New Here

    Thank you, this is a nice workaround, however with other "symbols". Very nice.