Merge accounts

Jessica Nieto
Jessica Nieto EN Basic Posts: 2 New Here


I wanted to switch my paid account to my primary email address, however there is already a free account set up for my primary email. Is there a way to close out the free account and then associate my paid account with the primary email address?

Thank you for your support!

Best Answer

  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 999 Community Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Jessica Nieto ,

    I would recommend the following: Login with your primary email address. Then go to your account s area and close your account.

    When the old account is closed, you will be able to reuse the email address for a new account. You can simply log in to the account that you wish to keep. In the accounts area, you can simply change the email address.

    I hope this helps.
