Costs and Licenses

Carsten Kumm
Carsten Kumm DE Pro Posts: 1 New Here

Hi, working on a Pro-Account, id like to invite 5-6 fellows to work with me on some projects. They should only be able to use the projects time counter, upload and download instructions / working results. Is it possible just to invite them to do so, or is a paid account necessary for everybody! All administrative work is done by me personally. Thanks for orientations! Carsten


  • Cornelia Patscheider
    Cornelia Patscheider Admin, Moderator, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,285 Community Admin

    Hi @Carsten Kumm ,

    if you have a paid subscription, then you can invite them to the project, even if your fellows only have a basic subscription. You can check what features they are able to use as basic users here.

    If you want more information on whether to collaborate within a team or just with external collaborators, then you can find a good overview in this article.

    If you are a future team admin, then I would recommend taking the online course for team admin (here also available in German). The course explains the differences between working with team members vs working with people in a project that are not in your team.

    I hope this helps.