New sort option: Popularity

theo west
theo west EN Basic Posts: 41 Star Contributor

Currently there are 4 basic sort options. A to Z, Z to A, Newest first and Oldest first.

I propose a new sort option: Popularity

By being able to sort your mindmaps by popularity in ascending or descending order you'd be able to see which projects are your most active (calculates on the number of hits the mindmap recieves) or inactive (opened once).

This would be incredibly useful to me as I'm constantly juggling a dussin mindmaps at once, at all times and sometimes I want to evaluate which ones are worth keeping in my systems (routine of using different mindmaps together to categorize different information in projects).

This could also be useful to see which collaborative mindmap projects are most used by your team, etc.

Please like and comment if you support this idea, or if you have any questions or suggestions. :)

Warm regards

2 votes

Open for voting · Last Updated