Drag and Drop support

Bart Verheecke
Bart Verheecke EN Business Posts: 49 Star Contributor

It would be great to have more intuitive drag and drop support throughout MeisterTask:

  • drag a task on top of another task and get an option to make them subtasks or add a relationship between them
  • drag a task to another project to move it there
  • drag a content block in a note to another page to copy or move it there

Also, add more options in the context menus.

  • The (…) context menu of a page should allow to attach that page to a task.
  • when selecting multiple tasks, the top (…) menu should allow to add them all as subtasks to another task. Adding them one by one is too cumbersome, especially as you have to manually type the title of the existing task.

These kind of actions would really speed things up.

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