🧠 Project Template for Teams: Goals & Feedback Meeting

Cathy Fanning
Cathy Fanning MT Tester, EN Business Posts: 185 Mastermind
edited November 2023 in Tips and Templates

Hi Everyone!

Please find screenshot image and json file for a new template. The template is titled "Goals & Feedback Meeting". It's been created in a basic structure allowing you to edit, ad, delete, whatever structure you need for your team. Also, to give you a few ideas when creating a project from scratch.

Hope you find this useful!


Cathy Fanning



  • JoiedeVivre
    JoiedeVivre EN Basic Posts: 65 Star Contributor

    Thanks for the upload, @Cathy Fanning ! There's been some discussion here about managing meetings with MeisterTask - I've always used other tools for setting meeting agendas, etc. and am curious how MeisterTask projects can be used to the same purpose. Do you check off each task card together live in the meeting, or do you move them across the board kanban-stle?


  • JoiedeVivre
    JoiedeVivre EN Basic Posts: 65 Star Contributor

    *kanban-style 😅

  • Cathy Fanning
    Cathy Fanning MT Tester, EN Business Posts: 185 Mastermind
    edited December 2022

    Hi @JoiedeVivre Thanks for the feedback and glad you find it useful. In regards to the tasks, you could check off the task in the meeting or move the task across the project boards. It really depends on the style of the meeting and how the team works. I designed the template to allow for as much flexibility as possible to suit the teams needs and style of work.

    Hope that helps.


    Cathy Fanning


  • Olaf Roeb
    Olaf Roeb EN Basic, MT Tester Posts: 121 Star Contributor

    Excellent and extremely thoughtful board, @Cathy Fanning , big thank you for that. Just two remarks:

    • If you leave out some team-event-concerning tasks, this board with hardly any need to further adapt task names and columns can also serve as a personal review board. Monthly or Quarterly Reviews are a great instrument to refocus, self-reward(gamification), and fine-tune the overall project (and work-life) coordination.
    • Look at the coloring of the tag arrays, super smart idea to choose colors by typical groups, just a small change but it excels the readability and overview of this board hugely, instantly. Love it🤗👍️
  • Cathy Fanning
    Cathy Fanning MT Tester, EN Business Posts: 185 Mastermind

    Hi @Olaf Roeb Glad you like the template and thank you for your remarks / suggestions. Both, good points.

    Feel free to change and amend as you see fit to suit your team and workflow. 😊


    Cathy Fanning
