Why Are Changes in Tasks Not Being Saved?

Channing Kelly
Channing Kelly EN Business Posts: 60 Star Contributor
edited February 2023 in Ask the Community

Of late I've had a troubling number of tasks where updates I entered -- such as new checklist items, checking off checklist items, etc. have "undone" when I revisit the task. At first I was attributing this to user error, but it's happening too often. Anyone else having this issue?


  • Joerg Koper
    Joerg Koper MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 1,469 Community Leader

    Hi @channing 👋🙂

    I could not reproduce this behavior in my browsers and apps. Have you tried to delete the cache of your browser, log out and log in again and alternatively try a different browser? And, only for security reasons, have you checked if someone else has accesss to the related project?

    Best, Jörg

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