What's Your Favourite Time Saving Feature?

Hi Everyone, Welcome to 2023. Sharing an idea, interested in everyone's feedback. What is your favourite time saving feature in MeisterTask?
Mine is: Being able to archive all completed tasks in one section with the click of a button. What's yours?
Cathy Fanning
Hi all - happy new year as well from my side and welcome to 2023! 😁
My favorite time saving features are the Slack integration (create task from Slack message) & E-Mail to Task integrations. My workflow involves getting a lot of "work requests" from others - both internal within the Meister Team and from our users. Being able to quickly forward them to a task in my main MT project (without needing to read and "process" the request while it's still in my e-mail inbox) is a huuuge time and stress saver!
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Hi everyone,
well, actually my saving features are very similar to yours. What I really love is the agenda where I can see all my tasks which have to be done. This way I don't have to check every project for "open" tasks.
The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!
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Agenda comes to mind for me as well but it's hard for me to think of a certain feature, imho what sets MeisterTask apart is less features and more overall design and feel. Many task management tools still have a Windows 95 vibe.
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Bulk editing tasks is a feature that I love to use! 😍 Especially when you want to add tags to multiple tasks from the same category at once, or when you want to set the same due dates (project deadline for example). I feel like this feature is often not known or forgotten 🤷♂️
Here's the link to our Help Center article to check it out: https://support.meistertask.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015802139-Select-Multiple-Tasks
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I am a huge fan of investing time into learning features and keyboard shortcuts very early with every tool that becomes part of my everyday working environment. Intuitive use is nice when exploring a new tool, but at some point features and controls have to be internalized anyway, so why not take the time and internalize before the use of the mouse becomes habitual at any given moment.
This one is kind of a learning map I created shortly after trying the MeisterSuite last year: https://mm.tt/map/2560722651?t=TwPWmiC9yy
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Wow, that's a MEGA summary of shortcuts! I'll note some of them in a moment.
Do you possibly also have such a list for MT shortcuts? I would be very interested in that too.☺️
The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!
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Guten Morgen, Samuel,
you can find all these shortcuts in the top-right MindMeister account menu: These are nothing but screenshots from this Help assembly of shortcuts:
Compared to the help menu the benefit of the map is that you can exercise shortcuts without having to switch between the help menu and the map, prioritize them and drive them through a learning (Repetition-) process. And, of course, you can use the map structure for any given assembly of shortcuts in your working environment, may it be firefox, windows, excel, youtube, or MeisterTask shortcuts. As soon as MeisterNote Shortcuts become published 😅, I am planning to offer a Note template similar to this one.
Have a nice day!
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Wow @Olaf Roeb this map is incredible!! Both in its content and design! I just showed it to our team internally and everyone was seriously impressed! Feel free to change the link sharing privileges to "read only" and share in a separate community post, if you'd like!
Can only agree on shortcuts being especially essential for MM and MN, where quick navigation and brainstorming is essential (especially when using advanced features). There was a great discussion about using shortcuts when mass creating tasks out of mind map topics here.
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No worry, @Andrew Lapidus , this, of course, is a copy, the original is partly in German so I needed to rush some last minute updates. No damage is done when somebody tries some changes.
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@Cathy Fanning, what a great conversation starter! I've read some really useful insights here and @Olaf Roeb 's mind map is just amazing!
I personally enjoy the MeisterNote and MeisterTask integration throughout any process mapping. It saves a lot of time to create a task directly from a process step and place it into the corresponding MeisterTask Project while you can also assign the task to one of your team members. All of these steps can be completed without exiting MeisterNote.
If you're interested in how I use this feature, you can see more details here: https://support.meisternote.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402351738642-Use-MeisterTask-With-MeisterNote
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Great choice, @Zsuzsanna Kensell - this is exactly the method we use when mapping a content calendar. Once we've finalized our schedule in list form in MeisterNote, we do a quick mass task creation with the MN -> Integration, which allows us to begin the drafting/editing/publishing process in a kanban board!
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This map has been such a reminder forme of the easy beauty of MindMeister maps - a great practical example of what was discussed here!
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Hi Everyone, Feedback, suggestions, ideas and where this is going is fantastic!
Cathy Fanning
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