đŸ™‹â€â™‚ïž Ask Me Anything — Meister's Design Lead



  • Dessy Prasad
    Dessy Prasad EN Business Posts: 75 Star Contributor
    edited May 2023

    Hi Adam,

    Yes, there is. We use MeisterNote as our knowledge base and often use Highlights to on top of Headings to make it clear to some of our elderly users that they are different sections. Within those, we sometimes have bullet points with bullet point heading items and a description of each. Instead of having to highlight those too in order to stand out, I'd like for us to be able to instead just change the color on the title.

    I think having to highlight everything can make it look aesthetically unpleasing and confusing for users who have difficulty understanding the layout. Not to mention that the ability to change font colors is pretty standard across most note taking applications and is a must for some users in specific situations.


  • Jens Brinch Moeller
    Jens Brinch Moeller MT Tester, EN Business Posts: 30 Star Contributor

    Hi Adam,

    Just to confirm/ comment:

    Is there anything in particular where you feel Meister's tools could make this process easier for you?

    As you mention it yourself; there are a lot of factors out of our control 🧐 - so my short reply here is no - that would be a waste of valuable time among your developers - your either live with it or invest in the right gear (which includes calibration software) to a fortune đŸ€ 

    With regard to the custom color codes (I presume here you mean the six-digit hex colour values that we allow users to enter in the MindMeister colour picker?).

    Yes 😎

    We have worked on some nice additions here that should make it easier to re-select custom colours that users have used in a map. Unfortunately the delivery of this feature has some technical restrictions that need to be resolved before we can go live with it.

    Looking forward to test this đŸ€“

    Best regards,

    Jens Brinch


    Follow me on LinkedIn and at Kaje Engineering

  • Richard Vitaris
    Richard Vitaris EN Basic Posts: 51 Star Contributor
    edited May 2023


    Thank you for responding to my questions and answering all of the others from the Community. 

    On several of my mind maps, including my dashboard mind map that I use to monitor my personal to do lists and projects, I like to use number icons to prioritize. I know that Biggerplate's webinars on mind mapping for personal productivity emphasize the importance of prioritizing in general and identifying your top three goals in particular. Try to adhere to that mark.

    With XMind (try subscribed to in addition to MindMeister), you can automatically renumber topics. So, for example, if you complete the branch containing the task with priority number one, you the software will automatically renumber what had been priority number two as priority number one. MindManager which I have used in the past but gave up due to its high cost and the fact that I wasn't using most of the advanced features, did the same thing.

    Callouts are simply useful to provide some additional information without having that info buried in a note or comment. So, for example, if something has a due date, I will create a callout showing the date if I am using XMind. Of course, I am aware of the fact that MindMeister does offer several other ways of saving that same information, such as putting it in a note, comment, or associating the topic with a task in Meistertask. Our callouts essential? No, of course not. But it is a useful and visually appealing feature.

    You asked whether nor any other features that I would like to see in MindMeister. For now, I would like to see all of the features which were available with the old editor brought back to the new editor over time. That said, I am very pleased with the progress your team has been making in improving the product. Keep up the good work!

    All the best,


  • Cathy Fanning
    Cathy Fanning MT Tester, EN Business Posts: 190 Mastermind

    Hi @Adam Buckley Thanks for the response. Appreciate you can't give too much away. Looking forward to the Meister journey. Appreciate all the behind the scenes work. 😀


    Cathy Fanning


  • philippe boukobza
    philippe boukobza EN Pro Posts: 20 Star Contributor
    edited May 2023

    Hi @Adam Buckley thank you for your response. Here are some ideas of AI functionalities I would love to see in MindMeister:
    - possibility to upload a text in order to generate a mindmap summary
    - Text to mindmap: writing a prompt and getting a mindmap
    - Mindmap to task. Generative AI could analyse and mindmap and propose tasks that we can export to MeisterTask
    - Mindmap to article. You create an outline and generative AI create a complete article.
    - Mindmap to animated explainer video
    - voice to mindmap
    - In general a copilote designer and ideation companion


    ?Visual Thinking Facilitator



  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,009 Community Admin

    Hi all! Thanks to everyone for the fantastic questions, to @Adam Buckley for taking the time to write such extensive answers! 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    Some housekeeping:

    I've just highlighted Adam's answers and moved them to the beginning of this thread so that future viewers can find them more easily.

    User responses to Adam's answers start here. Looking forward to continuing the conversations started as a result of this AMA!



  • Rooster McNugget
    Rooster McNugget MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 681 Community Leader

    Hi @Adam Buckley,

    danke fĂŒr die Antwort und den Hinweis. Ich habe mich vermutlich nicht gut erklĂ€rt. Ich meinte mit Ă€ndern des Designs z.B. diese:

    Wenn ich mit "MindMap" beginne, kann ich nachtrÀglich nicht zu "Project Retrospective" wechseln. Ist das gewollt?

    Beste GrĂŒsse,

    The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!

  • Adam Buckley
    Adam Buckley Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 40 Community Admin

    Hi again Dessy!

    Thanks for the reply. That makes a lot of sense, I can see why you would like more flexible coloring options. What is always a worry about text colouring, is that users might choose options with poor contrast to the white background, which would be far from ideal. I would say that it also sounds like something that some kind of section or block demarcation could help with. Tagging certain blocks within a note is also something we’ve discussed internally which might be another option, especially if the tags are easily visible. Definitely some inspiring ideas to look into for us. Love having this insight! Thank you and please continue to reach out with your awesome input!


  • Adam Buckley
    Adam Buckley Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 40 Community Admin

    Hi Rich,

    Thank you for your questions, and your responses. I must honestly say, I was always a fan of the voting function in the legacy MindMeister editor, and I’m lobbying internally to get it brought into the new editor. As I said in my first reply, unfortunately we can’t do everything, especially not all at once, but we’re working on it. Thanks for your patience! The numbering, and especially some kind of intelligent type of numbering and integrating that with task completion sounds like a real improvement on our initial numbering and one I’ve passed on to the MindMeister team.
    I’m also fascinated by the idea of the callouts and am constantly thinking of situations I run into myself on a daily basis, not just in MindMeister, but also in MeisterTask and MeisterNote, where I would like to highlight some important information, or even better have it highlighted automatically for me
! At any rate, you’ve triggered some creative sparks here! We’ll keep you posted.



  • Adam Buckley
    Adam Buckley Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 40 Community Admin

    Hi Philippe,

    Comparing your list to ours, there were some items in common and some new ones 😁. Duly noted! Great to have your input, thank you so much!

    Best regards,

  • Adam Buckley
    Adam Buckley Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 40 Community Admin

    Hi Samuel,

    Ah! Jetzt versteh ich’s! Es gibt hier einen Unterschied zwischen die “Layouts” und die “Templates” die darunter erscheinen in den Kategorieren (Business, usw.). Leider ist es momentan technisch nicht so einfach, die Templates nachtrĂ€glich zu Ă€ndern, weil sie auch mit gewisennen Textinhalt vorausgefĂŒllt sind. Wir haben es aber schon mal ĂŒberlegt und auch Designs dafĂŒr gemacht, also es ist auf jeden fall möglich dass wir in Zukunft diese FunktionalitĂ€t haben werden. Ich will’s auf jeden fall so haben, wĂŒrde ich sehr Praktisch finden 😄.

    Beste GrĂŒsse aus Wien,


  • Dessy Prasad
    Dessy Prasad EN Business Posts: 75 Star Contributor

    Thanks @Adam Buckley. Yes, we use the blocks as well but they don't serve the purpose when we do bullet points and have to change the color on the bullet point heading item that comes before the description of it. It seemed like a very basic function that a notetaking app should have so thought I'd ask. Thanks for the insight though.

  • Joerg Koper
    Joerg Koper MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 1,497 Community Leader

    Hi Adam,

    thanks a lot for your feedback. That's very much appreciated 🙏

    To your question in return:

    It would be great if we could set the colours of the section headers and the tags individually or adapt them to the respective CI.

    Adding individual icons could also be very helpful in many situations. Perhaps to be able to use branch-specific icons.

    Best, Jörg

    Als Entwickler der Koper-Methodik und Experte fĂŒr Prozessmanagement fĂŒhre ich in meiner Agentur u. a. Retreats fĂŒr Freiberufler, Solopreneure und inhabergefĂŒhrte Unternehmen durch. Hier tausche ich mich gerne mit euch ĂŒber die Tools MeisterTask, MeisterNote und MindMeister aus. Weitere Informationen ĂŒber mich findet Ihr auf agenturkoper.de und LinkedIn.

  • Henrik ThomĂ€
    Henrik ThomÀ DE Pro Posts: 11 Active Contributor

    Hi Adam, da stimmt was bei der Lesbarkeit infolge der Farbeinstellungen fĂŒr Tags in MeisterTask nicht:


  • Peter McCarthy
    Peter McCarthy MT Tester, EN Business Posts: 30 Star Contributor

    Thanks for the hints at what is coming. We can't wait for the changes.

    Rather than write what ideas we have or how we use your programs, we should set up a Teams meeting to show you. It might be more helpful.
