Partner AMA with Meister Leadership: MeisterTask and MeisterNote are coming together!

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On June 19th, 2023, we let our partners in on some exciting news: Meister has decided to combine MeisterNote with MeisterTask, giving users two tools for one big picture of project management and documentation.
We realize that such a large change will come with many questions, which is why we've decided to start this Partners-Only AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Meister's Leadership.
Our AMA Guests:
- Michelle Matus, Director of Product Marketing and Brand Marketing
- Kevin Kuhn, Principal Product Manager
- Laura Bârlădeanu, VP of Engineering
How to Participate:
- Submit any questions you'd like to ask in the comments below.
- Please limit yourself to three questions to allow our guests to answer as many users as possible.
- Please post your questions by Sunday, June 25th.
- Check back on June 26th to see our guests' answers!
Feel free to ask our team about, well, anything! Topics might include:
- The future of MeisterTask + MeisterNote
- The strategy and motivation behind this change
- The best ways to sell MeisterTask with MeisterNote
- Anything else that interests you :)
Best wishes and looking forward to hearing from you!
— Your Community and Partner Teams
Partner AMA mit dem Meister Leadership-Team
MeisterTask und MeisterNote rücken zusammen!
Am 19. Juni 2023 teilen wir spannende Neuigkeiten mit unseren Partnern: Meister hat sich entschlossen, MeisterNote mit MeisterTask zu kombinieren, um den Nutzern zwei Werkzeuge für einen idealen Überblick über das Projektmanagement und die Dokumentation zu geben.
Wir verstehen, dass eine so große Veränderung viele Fragen aufwirft – diese werden im Partners-Only AMA (Ask Me Anything) mit dem Meister Leadership-Team beantwortet.
Unsere Gäste:
- Michelle Matus, Director of Product Marketing and Brand Marketing
- Kevin Kuhn, Principal Product Manager
- Laura Bârlădeanu, VP of Engineering
Wie Sie teilnehmen können:
- Posten Sie Ihre Fragen (auf Deutsch oder Englisch) in den Kommentaren.
- Bitte beschränken Sie sich auf drei Fragen, damit unsere Gäste so vielen Partnern wie möglich antworten können.
- Bitte stellen Sie Ihre Fragen bis einschließlich Sonntag, 25. Juni.
- Schauen sie am 26. Juni wieder vorbei, um die Antworten unseres Teams zu sehen!
Fragen Sie unser Team über, nun ja, alles! Zum Beispiel:
- Die Zukunft von MeisterTask + MeisterNote
- Die Strategie und Motivation hinter dieser Veränderung
- die besten Möglichkeiten, MeisterTask mit MeisterNote zu bewerben
… und was Sie sonst noch interessiert :)
Beste grüße,
Ihre Community- und Partner-Teams
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Wie sehr ihr MT/MN im Vergleich zu Notion
Das tool hat mich persönlich sehr an MN erinnert, aber mit vielen coolen Ergänzungen, im speziellen die Integration von AI
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Hallo liebes Meister Team,
zuerst einmal gratuliere ich zu diesem neuen Schritt. Ich denke mal, das wird die Meister Community und alle Neukunden sehr begeistern 🙂
Meine Fragen an euch:
- Wie werden wir das Produkt MeisterTask in Kombination mit MeisterNote als Alternative zur Meister Suite künftig benennen?
- Wird es in MeisterTask eine Integration geben, wie Ihr sie für MindMeister umgesetzt habt? Das dürfte die Arbeit zwischen den Programmen sehr stark erleichtern.
- Wird es künftig die Möglichkeit geben, Notes, ähnlich wie in MindMeister, auch mit der Öffentlichkeit zu teilen? Ich sehe darin insbesondere auch einen marketingstrategischen Vorteil.
- Sind neue Banner und Werbemittel geplant bzw. bald verfügbar?
- Und natürlich bin ich auch sehr neugierig, was Eure Motivation für diese Entscheidung war.
Herzliche Grüße, JörgAls Entwickler der Koper-Methodik und Experte für Prozessmanagement führe ich in meiner Agentur u. a. Retreats für Freiberufler, Solopreneure und inhabergeführte Unternehmen durch. Hier tausche ich mich gerne mit euch über die Tools MeisterTask, MeisterNote und MindMeister aus. Weitere Informationen über mich findet Ihr auf und LinkedIn.
6 - Wie werden wir das Produkt MeisterTask in Kombination mit MeisterNote als Alternative zur Meister Suite künftig benennen?
Hallo ans Team,
ich kenne Eure Beweggründe nicht, aber ich denke, dass es eine gute Entscheidung war.
Konkret würde mich natürlich interessieren, wie die beiden Tools künftig zusammenarbeiten, wie sich der Workflow ändert und welche Vorteile sich im Vergleich zu Marktbegleitern dadurch ergeben.
Was ändert sich für uns als Expert Partner? Gibt es neue Logos, Banner, Werbemittel? Bleiben die Links gleich? Was ist mit dem Umzug auf Partnerslack?
Liebe Grüße
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Hello Meister team,
MT and MN are not yet well-penetrated in the Japanese market. We look forward to seeing how the two will be integrated this time.
One question.
With so many competing tools out there, what is the concept behind the new MT+MN, and what brand message do you plan to send out?Best regards,
Yuki Kawazoe6 -
Hi there Meister Team,
Great move incorporating MT and MN!
What was the rationale behind this decision.
What are your plans and goals behind the merger
In terms of marketing moving forward, do you see this as a new competitive concept or a whole new combined platform.
Look forward to your answers.
Cathy Fanning
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Hello Meister Team,
Interesting news 🤔
Giving it some thoughts after reading your "One-pager" these questions come to my mind:
- Since the product is marketed as something that will improve the project execution within a company, have you thought of how to create readable prints of the information without havng to export the content in to a regular office application in order to make it fit the paper format(less pages)?
- Do you have any plans for creating "master structure templates" like we have MindMeister templates?
- Will there be an "off-line" version in the pipeline?
- Will MeisterNote be added at task level as MindMeister?
Best regards,
Jens Brinch
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Thank you for this insightful question! Comparing the combination of MeisterTask and MeisterNote with Notion is a great opportunity to highlight some of our unique selling points and philosophy around tool development.
In essence, both solutions aim to provide comprehensive platforms for project management and documentation. However, the way MeisterTask and MeisterNote come together is quite distinctive. We offer a purposeful blend of deep note-taking/documentation (MeisterNote) and powerful task and project management (MeisterTask). Our focus is to ensure a harmonious balance between these two critical areas of team productivity, while simultaneously maintaining simplicity and user-friendliness.
That said, one of our core principles is to keep our tools lean and highly usable. This is why we are cautious about adding too many features that could potentially clutter the interface and dilute the user experience. Every feature in our suite of tools is carefully thought-out and designed to add true value to our users, rather than merely checking off a list of functions. We strive for meaningful simplicity - a design ethos that believes in delivering powerful functionality without overwhelming our users.
Ultimately though, what sets MeisterNote apart from Notion is the integration with MeisterTask. When used together, you can create project briefs, documentation, and templates in MeisterNote. From a simple list of tasks in MeisterNote, you can then start to create and build the project in MeisterTask. Of course, MeisterTask offers several valuable features in our Kanban framework like timeline, assignees, deadlines, and more to help you manage the day to day flow of business. The tools together help you manage the planning and documentation as well as the day-to-day execution in the same place.
I won't get into the AI piece yet, but it's something that's very much part of the future of our tools, and we are excited to see how we can infuse the power of AI into MeisterTask and MeisterNote!
I hope I've answered your question!
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Wird es in MeisterTask eine Integration geben, wie Ihr sie für MindMeister umgesetzt habt? Das dürfte die Arbeit zwischen den Programmen sehr stark erleichtern.
Thank you for such an insightful question @Joerg Koper, which indeed taps into the heart of our current journey of merging MeisterTask and MeisterNote.
Our decision to unify MeisterTask and MeisterNote at the license level signifies the first step towards a much grander vision. Our desire is to make these tools not only exist side by side but also to weave them together in a way that simplifies and enhances user experience.
The goal here is to establish a seamless workflow between the task management capabilities of MeisterTask and the robust documentation features of MeisterNote. This will enable you to simply work with notes from within MeisterTask, and just as easily, manage tasks directly from MeisterNote. Your question aligns perfectly with our vision, and we are thrilled to confirm that such an integration is indeed on our roadmap.
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Since the product is marketed as something that will improve the project execution within a company, have you thought of how to create readable prints of the information without having to export the content in to a regular office application in order to make it fit the paper format(less pages)?
Hi @Jens Brinch Moeller and thank you for your thoughtful question. As we develop MeisterTask and MeisterNote, our primary focus is indeed on optimizing the digital, on-screen experience. This is where most of our users interact with our tools the majority of the time, so we strive to ensure that this experience is as seamless and efficient as possible.
However, we absolutely recognize the value and necessity of having physical, printed copies of information in many business contexts. Balancing the digital experience with the requirements of print-friendly formats can certainly be challenging, and we understand that there can be occasional shortcomings in this area.
Importantly, such insights (like yours!) help us prioritize areas of our platform that need improvement and shape our future development plans. Your feedback represents a valuable opportunity for us to reassess our approach to all things printing. If you have specific suggestions on how we can improve our print-friendly capabilities, we'd be very grateful to hear from you.
Have a great day!
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Do you have any plans for creating "master structure templates" like we have MindMeister templates?
We fully understand the power and value that well-designed templates can bring to productivity tools, like how MindMeister templates have been beneficial for many users.
We are happy to confirm that we do indeed have plans to invest more in this area in the months to come. Likely, we'll get started with templates focused on new users. For them, templates not only showcase the possibilities of our products but also enable users to get started quickly.
We look forward to your feedback as we roll out these improvements. As always, your insights and suggestions will be instrumental in shaping the future of our tools. Thank you for being a valued part of our community.
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Wird es künftig die Möglichkeit geben, Notes, ähnlich wie in MindMeister, auch mit der Öffentlichkeit zu teilen? Ich sehe darin insbesondere auch einen marketingstrategischen Vorteil.
The ability to share content publicly, as we do with MindMeister's Public Map Universe, is indeed an excellent marketing tool and a great way to share knowledge and expertise.
We appreciate your suggestion and agree that public sharing could potentially unlock significant value in both MeisterNote (and even MeisterTask!).
Currently, our primary focus for MeisterNote is to refine and perfect the sharing capabilities to enable teams to work together. That includes everything from automatically sharing with your teammates, to external sharing, as well as group sharing. This forms the backbone of our tool and is an area we are dedicated to strengthening.
After we've got our bases covered, we'll start looking at the additional potential that public sharing could unlock. That said, your input is greatly appreciated and plays a vital role in shaping our future development plans. As always, we look forward to your feedback and suggestions as we continue to improve.
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Wie werden wir das Produkt MeisterTask in Kombination mit MeisterNote als Alternative zur Meister Suite künftig benennen?
Great question @Joerg Koper. For the next quarters, we will bring MeisterNote under the MeisterTask brand. Right now, the tools are still quite separate, but we will be making product changes to bring the two tools closer together for users. As far as the "Meister Suite", we will sunset this term and will only refer to MeisterTask with MeisterNote. Once we have a more unified experience, we will cease to refer to MeisterNote and only refer to MeisterTask as the brand.
We will still provide MindMeister (unchanged) to our customers. They will still be able to purchase MeisterTask and MindMeister together in the bundle for a discount, but we will not have a branded "Meister Suite".
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Sind neue Banner und Werbemittel geplant bzw. bald verfügbar?
We will be providing new materials in the next months. We will be refreshing the visuals for MeisterTask and will be providing more resources to the Partner team in terms of updated banners and materials to promote MeisterTask with MeisterNote. The materials will be made available in the MeisterTask Partner Kit. Until this time, please continue to use MeisterTask and MeisterNote banners and advertising materials.
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Und natürlich bin ich auch sehr neugierig, was Eure Motivation für diese Entscheidung war.
We believe that project documentation and task management belong together. We've seen how well MeisterTask and MeisterNote complement each other in the planning, execution, and delivery phases of project management and were eager to bring this to our users. This move aims to provide our customers with more value during their work day and allow them to fully unlock the power of exceptional task management coupled with simply beautiful project documentation. We want users to experience this, so we brought the tools together to make it happen. In the next quarter, we will be improving our MeisterTask and MeisterNote integration as well as improving how users navigate between the two tools.
Ultimately, we made this decision as the first step in fully unifying MeisterTask and MeisterNote for a powerhouse collaboration tool. We want to simplify the way teams collaborate and work. So, for us, that also means aligning our tools so users can have a unified user experience and flow. It also means providing a simpler subscription model where we provide more value to our users with one subscription.
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Konkret würde mich natürlich interessieren, wie die beiden Tools künftig zusammenarbeiten, wie sich der Workflow ändert und welche Vorteile sich im Vergleich zu Marktbegleitern dadurch ergeben.
Hi @Dieter Hofer!
As I shared in another thread, regarding why we decided to make this change, we are bringing MeisterTask and MeisterNote together to remove the barrier and make it easier for users to manage their projects end to end (not only task management but project planning and documentation, too). In the future, you can be sure to have an easier, more seamless process between task management and documentation. In the coming months, we will be releasing improvements in our existing MeisterTask<>MeisterNote integration. And, of course, this only scratches the surface of the powerful workflows between MeisterTask and MeisterNote. Bringing the tools closer together for our users will enable teams to collaborate more efficiently and not waste time context-switching, moving between apps, and double work. We are looking forward to exploring future workflows together with our fantastic expert partners and users.
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Was ändert sich für uns als Expert Partner? Gibt es neue Logos, Banner, Werbemittel? Bleiben die Links gleich? Was ist mit dem Umzug auf Partnerslack?
Since we are making these changes under the MeisterTask brand, nothing will change in terms of logos, links, or banners for MeisterTask. MeisterNote's website and sub-pages will be redirected to relevant and updated MeisterTask sub-pages. Our brand messaging around this change is that MeisterNote is now included with MeisterTask so the brand names and logos will continue to remain for the time being. In the next phase, we will slowly fade MeisterNote out and keep MeisterTask as the core brand for the two tools.
In the next months, we will be refreshing the visuals for MeisterTask and will be providing more resources to the Partner team in terms of updated banners and materials to promote MeisterTask with MeisterNote. The materials will be made available in the MeisterTask Partner Kit.
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Great question, @Yuki Kawazoe! The goal of bringing the tools together is to streamline and simplify how teams get work done. Planning, execution, and documentation coming under the same product and in the same UI/UX will provide Meister users with a simple and effective way to work together. While there are certainly other great tools out there, we know our customers and users will choose MeisterTask with MeisterNote for their daily work because of our dedication to simple, easy-to-use, and beautiful software that's a joy to work with. As we bring MeisterNote under the MeisterTask umbrella, we will double down on our dedication to simplicity and ease of use. It's what our current customers LOVE about our tools and we won't be changing that.
As far as our brand message, we will incorporate more messaging and thought leadership around end-to-end project management. MeisterTask made better with the addition of exceptional project documentation. We will stand firm with our commitment to privacy and security, easy and intuitive team onboarding, and simple collaboration and task/project management for your whole team.
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Hi @Cathy Fanning, thanks for the question. As we've shared with another comment, the rationale behind the decision stems from the need we saw both internally at Meister and how our customers were using the tools. MeisterNote complements MeisterTask in a number of ways and has improved our project planning and execution. Our goal with the merger of the two tools is to bring that value and benefit to our customers and users. We plan to continue to build on this value with improved integration and cross-product functionality to make project planning, execution, and delivery easier than ever.
From a marketing perspective, we see this as a fantastic opportunity to enrich our existing use cases for both MeisterTask and MeisterNote. It's less a 'new competitive concept' and more of a move to simplify the way we market and sell MeisterTask with MeisterNote. The functionality and use cases aren't changing, but we are simply enabling users to unlock the benefits of both tools while only signing up and paying for one.
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Was ändert sich für uns als Expert Partner? Gibt es neue Logos, Banner, Werbemittel? Bleiben die Links gleich? Was ist mit dem Umzug auf Partnerslack?
Hallo @Dieter Hofer!
We recently decided to put our move to PartnerStack — as well as the launch of any new partner programs — on hold as we want to make absolutely sure that any changes we make will really set both Meister and our valued partners up for long-term success. This means that until further notice, our Expert Partner program and Affiliate program remain active and your existing links and codes remain valid. You can also access the old partner portal just like before.
That said, there are two points to highlight:
- Now that MeisterNote will not be sold as a standalone product anymore, there also won't be dedicated MeisterNote partner programs (meaning, no dedicated affiliate links or codes, among other things). The best way to refer customers to MeisterNote is to refer them to MeisterTask instead.
- While we're not making any drastic changes to our programs right now, we may still make smaller improvements and adjustments to our processes and terms, to ensure that the program continues to run smoothly and to counteract misuse of the programs.
I hope this helps!
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Will there be an "off-line" version in the pipeline?
We are exploring options for supporting offline capabilities in our mobile apps. You can expect MeisterNote functionality to be progressively added to the MeisterTask mobile apps throughout the next 12 months.
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Will MeisterNote be added at task level as MindMeister?
Yes, this is planned for the next quarter!
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Hi Kevin, from your (growth) perspective i can understand to prioritize new users, but from a 5year+ user of Meistertools i canNOT ;) Templates are the NO.1 automation and efficiency feature. First Time Announcement for Templates in MindMeister was Q4 2021.
I am asking for a possibility to build templates in MeisterNote for over a year now. I am not talking about complex flows like downloading and saving. Just a possibility that they can be copied but NOT modified. For example right now only Admins can copy a Note, if i make my customers admin, i am pretty sure you can image what happens. So why has "templating" all over the tools such a low priority?
Thank you for your answer in advance - OliverUspkilling Enthusiast. Empowering a new Generation of Legal Experts.
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Hi Oliver, thanks a lot for getting back! First of all: Sorry. I definitely didn't want to come across as diminishing the importance of templates like you're describing. We're definitely on the same page there.
What I was trying to say was that we're actually prioritizing templates quite highly. It's just that we see the pre-defined "Meister Templates" (to show the variety of use cases) as the best next step since we already have the first (arguably small and definitely to be improved) version of custom templates in MeisterNote live since late last year.
As for your use case, do I understand it correctly that you want your customers to be able to create new notes from an existing templates which they cannot edit? So with our current implementation of templates in MeisterNote, the your main problem is that Members can edit the templates?
Thanks for your help :)
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Yes! I see no Workflow to provide Templates for my Clients ;) If there is any let me know. If you like we jump on a quick call the next days to discuss some other topics which are on my mind for the last weeks. Thx for you time 🤓
Uspkilling Enthusiast. Empowering a new Generation of Legal Experts.
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Sent you a message so that we can schedule something :)
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