Improved Presentation Mode in MeisterNote

Bart Verheecke
Bart Verheecke EN Business Posts: 50 Star Contributor

Presentation Mode in MeisterNote is currently useless. It would be so great if it could be used for professional looking presentations without thinking about it.

The problem now is that everything under one header is shown on a single slide, even if it's a lot of text or multiple images. All content shrinks down so much to the point it's unreadable.

Also, it's very unprofessional looking that the size of the title and text varies from slide to slide.

The proposed solution is very simple:

  • Keep all text sizes fixed (for headers, text lists, ...). Don't vary them from slide to slide.
  • Don't shrink down text. Split text and lists over multiple slides.
  • Don't shrink down images. Show them on multiple slides.
  • As a bonus: include the cover image and icon to the first slide.
15 votes

Open for voting · Last Updated


  • JoiedeVivre
    JoiedeVivre EN Basic Posts: 65 Star Contributor

    Very much agree with everything here - presentation mode has a lot of potential but at the moment it comes up with a set of slides that don' work for me. We quickly learned that headers are trigger to create new slides, but making a small mistake in this causes a slide which is much too long.

  • Admin
    Admin MT Tester, EN Pro, EN Business Posts: 481 Community Leader

    Hello, you got my vote on this one too @Bart



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  • Dessy Prasad
    Dessy Prasad EN Business Posts: 75 Star Contributor

    Yes, I upvoted here too. I have a lot of presentations I'd like to get into MeisterNote to use the presentation view with, but as it stands right now, it's unusable.

  • Bart Verheecke
    Bart Verheecke EN Business Posts: 50 Star Contributor
    edited February 2024

    I really hope this feature will be improved upon soon. Especially each (large) image should be displayed on its own slide. Without having to manually add headers.

    An alternative would be that MeisterNote automatically adds headers when dropping in multiple images. That would also save a lot of work. Is that possible?