Search for Tasks within one project by 'recently updated'

Anne Kristin Sidlowski
Anne Kristin Sidlowski DE Business Posts: 2 Beginner

We work together with our customer's and sometimes there are some tasks, which I am not oberserving as a project manager.
In the next project meeting with the customer, i need the piece of information, which tasks were update recently (by us or the customer's project team) to talk about those topics.

Also a list that shows the last updated tasks by a new order option would help.

1 votes

Open for voting · Last Updated


  • Rooster McNugget
    Rooster McNugget MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 683 Community Leader

    Hello @Anne Kristin Sidlowski

    You can create a statement in the “Reports” section. You can find these in the navigation column. When you click on “Reports” for the first time, the most recently created tasks will be displayed. You can then use custom display to display all tasks in a specific period of time. You can find more information about this here.

    Hope I could answer your question. If not… let us know! 😉

    Best, Rooster

    The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!