🤓 MeisterHacks: Weekly Planning with Agenda
We've already sung the praises of Agenda but did you know that Simply add pins for each day of the week and drag your tasks from the left to the day on which you should work on them. It's really that easy to create a personal daily calendar!
Feature Request - Automation: Pin to / Remove Pin
Add the ability to add a "Pin to" Agenda section thru automation.
Create own Tasks at "Agenda" for Cooperation without Project (or own organization)
In our team, we encountered a problem that is likely relevant to others as well: We greatly enjoy using the Agenda because we are involved in various projects with very different tasks. However, as employees, we also have personal tasks that serve purely organizational purposes, which we manage similarly to a checklist for…
Agenda auf dem Mobilen Geräte
Hey, die Agenda ist auf dem Mobilen Gerät nicht darstellbar, oder übersehe ich das?
Mehrere Personen ODER Beobachtete Tasks in Agenda
Wir haben einige Tasks, die von mehreren Leuten bearbeitet werden. Aktuell kann man den Task ja nur einer Person zuweisen, deswegen ist der Rest bei uns als Beobachter eingetragen. Wenn man bei einem Task Beobachter ist, wird dieser jedoch nicht in der Agenda angezeigt. Es wäre praktisch, wenn man entweder den Task…
Automating assignment of a section to a new task
I added MeisterTask to my Outlook today. I've been a MT user for years, but only took a look at the integration this afternoon. My problem, is that I work almost exclusively from my Agenda page. I use the Sections on that page (I have Focus, Next Jobs and Hold) to organise my daily work tasks each day. There appears to be…
Agenda / Projekt
Hallo Zusammen Seit einiger Zeit sind in der Agenda Ansicht die Projekte minimiert. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit die Projektleiste an der Seite links in der Agenda Ansicht wieder zu vergrößern?
Are "completed" tasks supposed to appear on agenda?
After using agenda for several months I've found something consistently unpredictable: whether my agenda will show completed tasks. Sometimes it does, and sometimes it doesn't. At the end of last week a slew of tasks were marked as completed by the developer. I selected about 5 of these to add to my "re-test" agenda. This…
Print and Export Agenda
It would be great if we could print or export the Agenda View to PDF. Some of my Agenda columns are recurring meetings where I need to discuss specific tasks. This way, I can easily attach various project tasks to a meeting without having to leave MeisterTask or create separate lists or notes. But unfortunately I can't…
Wie kann ich ein zugewiesene Aufgabe, auf "Fokus" setzen?
Hallo liebe Community, wie kann ich eine Aufgabe, welche ich einer andreen Person zugewisen habe als dringlich makieren? Ich hätte sie gern auf die Agenda gesetzt als Fokus oder Bevorstehend, aber das scheint nur für sich selbst möglich zu sein. Für Hilge bin ich shr dankbar. Lydia
Pin Multiple Tasks w/ one click to Agenda
Dear Team, sometimes I would like to mark several card items and assign them towards my Agenda in one step. But this option I do not see in the context menu (see encl.) May be I just oversee where this function is located (?) I In any case an info acc. would be great. Thx a lot & best regards Tilman
🤓 MeisterHacks: Getting to Grips with Agenda
Lots of users don't actively make the most out of this feature but they should because: With the My Tasks widget open on the left of your Agenda, you can see all the tasks assigned to you and drag them directly to the appropriate column. Now you've got an at-a-glance overview of where your priorities should lie. Do you use…