Add tasks directly in columns when in a filtered view
In many situations, I filter large boards based on tags (or a search), e.g. because tags serve as my epics and I need to see/edit/add tasks within this epic. But in a filtered view, I can't add tasks directly into a column with the (+) icons between two cards. I only have the generic (add task) button in the top row, which…
Custom fields to be searchable using "Filter: Search Tasks" field
Include custom field values in the *Filter: Search Tasks* free text search bar inside a project. If you also add custom fields to the *Filter* menu - to be able to filter by key: value it would make MT into a very useful lightweight database.
Active filters with closed sidebar for MeisterTask
Summary: Improvement of the filter functionality to keep applied filters (e.g. tags) in a project even if the filter sidebar is closed. This improvement aims to optimise screen space, especially for users with small screens, while at the same time highlighting the active filters with a prominent notice at the top of the…
[Already offered] Filters Presets
Hi, I have a suggestion for adding a feature to MeisterTask that would allow saving filters as presets. For example, being able to create a preset where, with just one click, I can always view only tasks assigned to Jean-Luc Picard, with the tags "engine room" and "high priority." Best regards, Jakub
Agenda - tags filtering
Hi, I have a suggestion for improving the Agenda in MeisterTask. It would be very useful if we could also filter tasks by tags within the Agenda. This would enhance the ability to organize and manage tasks more effectively. Best regards, Jakub
Subtasks Quick Filter
Would like the ability to use the subtask icon as a quick filter button. This would help reduce the clutter as the system does not group subtasks under their parents. Clicking this button should instantly a filter that shows only the releated subtasks to the story.
Feature Request: Show all my tasks (including watched tasks)
We can currently filter a project to see Tasks assigned to a specific person Tasks watched by a specific person What i am searching for is a way to see every task related to a specific person, so e.g. i want to see all tasks assigned to me as well as all tasks watched by me. This would help to better keep track of watched…
Filter all pinned tasks
Dear Meisters, I am using tags a lot. For a project to have 20-30 tags is common for me. Now I would like to have a way to put tasks at the top of my section, but not by using tags. So I have been using the pin function, but I can not find a way to filter pinned tasks in the project view. Question: is there a way to filter…
Ability to tag and filter nodes on a mindmap
I would like to apply one or more tags to a node in mind-map and filter the view of nodes to one or more of those tags. * Applying a rating to nodes and filtering the view to only nodes with specified ratings * Tag each node to a customer or person who raised an idea to make it easier to view the list by customer/person.…
Mir zugewiesene Checklisteneinträge filtern
🤔Ich habe folgendes Problem: Es gibt in verschiedenen Projekten und Aufgaben mir zugewiesene Checklisteneinträge mit "@Name". Aktuell kann ich diese nur finden, wenn ich jede Aufgabe einzeln anschaue. Das führt zu einem zu hohen Zeitaufwand und zu einer mangelnden Übersicht. 💡Ich wünsche mir einen Filter, um mir zu…
mir zugeordnete Checklisteneinträge filtern
Hallo Schwarm, ich habe folgendes Problem: Es gibt in verschiedenen Projekten und Aufgaben mir zugewiesene Checklisteneinträge mit "@Name". Aktuell kann ich diese nur finden, wenn ich jede Aufgabe einzeln anschaue. Gibt es eine Filtermöglichkeit (z.B. über das Dashboard) wo ich alle mir zugewiesenen Checklisteneinträge…
Aufgaben filtern: Aber wie?
Hallo zusammen, ich bin neu bei MeisterTask und habe nun meine ersten Projekte angelegt. Was ich gerade noch nicht ganz klar habe: Wie kann ich meine Aufgaben am besten Durchsuchen und Filtern? Zwei Beispiele: Ich arbeite viel mit Tags und gebe zum Beispiel Aufgaben, die mit dem gleichen Kunden oder der gleichen Agentur zu…