Calendar view!

Chelsi Jo Moore
Chelsi Jo Moore MT Tester, EN Business Posts: 11 Star Contributor

Good morning from the US! I am a daily user of MeisterTask, content creator, and online business owner who relies heavily on launches, sales, promotions etc to run my company.

The one thing that I'm in extreme need of is an actual calendar view so I can see how all my events in the company are stacking up.

Right now there's duplication and we are having to link out to a manually made google sheet that functions as a calendar to see how everything lines up across all our platforms.

I have converted many people out of other task management softwares to MeisterTask but the one thing missing for them is the calendar view.

The gant style chart for a "calendar" view that's available now doesn't show a month at a glance and makes it hard to get that Birds Eye view that's needed. It also doesn't allow you to have multiple tasks created from different projects into one company calendar.

I'd love to know your thoughts on if something like this is possible!

32 votes

Open for voting · Last Updated


  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin

    Hi Chelsi,

    Thanks for sharing a great idea. You can find a similar feature request here. Feel free to add your vote there as well.

    The team is actually already planning on implementing a cross-project Timeline, but we don't have a concrete date of release yet. Liis (MT Product Lead) told Andrew that sub-tasks and revamped task dependencies will be released first because these have to be reflected in the new Timeline.

    I also agree with your request for a better overview display than what we currently have - You've got my vote!



  • Chelsi Jo Moore
    Chelsi Jo Moore MT Tester, EN Business Posts: 11 Star Contributor

    I just went over and left a comment. I just want to make sure the calendar view is considered along with the cross project ability to add. Seeing one week on the screen at a time is great for the work at hand but being able to peel back and see a Birds Eye view of the month or even two months is invaluable. Thanks for linking the other thread!

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin

    Yes, I absolutely agree - Pleased to see you added the extra info in the comment there so it's clear! Feel free to add your vote there too if you haven't already 😀.

  • Admin
    Admin MT Tester, EN Pro, EN Business Posts: 481 Community Leader

    You got my vote on this one @Chelsi Jo Moore 👍


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  • Joerg Koper
    Joerg Koper MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 1,497 Community Leader

    I'm in @Chelsi Jo Moore 👍️

    Best, Jörg

    Als Entwickler der Koper-Methodik und Experte für Prozessmanagement führe ich in meiner Agentur u. a. Retreats für Freiberufler, Solopreneure und inhabergeführte Unternehmen durch. Hier tausche ich mich gerne mit euch über die Tools MeisterTask, MeisterNote und MindMeister aus. Weitere Informationen über mich findet Ihr auf und LinkedIn.

  • Cathy Fanning
    Cathy Fanning MT Tester, EN Business Posts: 190 Mastermind

    Yes, please…..


    Cathy Fanning

  • Rooster McNugget
    Rooster McNugget MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 681 Community Leader

    I'm in! 👍️

    The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!

  • Faith Hanan
    Faith Hanan EN Business Posts: 2 Beginner

    I agree, seeing a true calendar view would be SOOO helpful. I LOVE MT- due to Chelsi Jo's training, but the one thing that I NEED to sing about MT from the rooftops is a calendar view.

  • Tiago Bravo
    Tiago Bravo EN Business Posts: 10 Beginner

    Firstly, each project should have its own calendar view.

    I use projects for content planning, and I have great difficulty getting a view of tasks within the month. This option is available in practically all project managers such as clickup, monday, asana, etc.

    Next, it would be really great to have this unified view across all projects, but I believe it should be released first within each proejct, just like the list view is being developed.

    I particularly need this function urgently, it's the only thing that makes me think about looking for another task manager, but until now I've stuck with MT because of its intuitiveness.