Why wont it change my email to my academic university email

Melanie75F EN Basic Posts: 2 New Here

I have tried to do this 4 x today and it won't change it.

I need to purchase an educational pass so I can use my mindmap in my dissertation and I'm a full time student at the moment.

Best Answer

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Melanie75F,

    Sorry to hear that. I just checked our system and can't see a ticket from you so I've created a ticket from this thread. I spoke with support and someone should be in touch with you via email shortly.

    Good luck with your dissertation.




  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin

    Hi @Melanie75F,

    Have you followed the steps outlined in this article?



  • Melanie75F
    Melanie75F EN Basic Posts: 2 New Here

    I've changed my email and raised a ticket - I need to get this map out before next week as I need to submit my dissertation and I didn't realise it would be such a faff to sort it out.

    Now debating if I need to create it in different software :( Really disappointed in MindMeister