[RESOLVED] Centering mind map export pdf

Judi EN Basic Posts: 10 Beginner
edited August 2023 in Ask the Community

When I try to export a map as a pdf file, the application won't center it! Whereas for months, no problem at all!
Does anyone have any idea about the problem of centering a mind map exported as a pdf?

Best Answer

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,613 Community Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Judi and all!

    I just received news that the fix has been deployed. Please log in to MindMeister again and try to export.

    If you're still having issues, let me know!





  • Emily
    Emily EN Pro Posts: 132 Star Contributor

    I had this issue before where a map just seemed broken. Solved it by duplicating the map.

  • Judi
    Judi EN Basic Posts: 10 Beginner

    Hello Emily, Unfortunately, it didn't work. Today, I can't solve this problem.

  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,007 Community Admin

    Hi @Judi - you might try copying the map's topics and pasting these into a new map? Let me know if this works — if not, I'll get our support team involved.



  • Diego Sócrates
    Diego Sócrates EN Basic Posts: 8 Beginner

    Hey guys. Help me please.

    Most of my maps are cropped when I export to PDF, even though the map is centered on the PC screen.

    Some small maps, although not cropped, are not centered in the exported PDF.

    Does anyone know how I can resolve this?

  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,007 Community Admin

    Hi @Diego Sócrates - it seems a couple of users have this issue right now — did any of the above solutions (duplicate/copy-paste all topics) work for you?

  • Diego Sócrates
    Diego Sócrates EN Basic Posts: 8 Beginner
    edited July 2023

    Hi @Andrew Lapidus

    I tried these options, but they didn't work for me.

  • Judi
    Judi EN Basic Posts: 10 Beginner

    Hi @Andrew Lapidus

    I've tried copying several topics into new maps, and it shifts every time. It's really annoying when you're revising lessons. I worked with mindmeister for 6 months and never had this problem 😪

  • Judi
    Judi EN Basic Posts: 10 Beginner
  • Judi
    Judi EN Basic Posts: 10 Beginner

    @Andrew Lapidus a normal mindmap without problem

  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,007 Community Admin

    Hi @Judi: I'm working with our development team to further investigate this issue. Could you please enable support access to your account and DM me the title/URL of the map(s) in question?



  • Judi
    Judi EN Basic Posts: 10 Beginner

    Hi @Andrew Lapidus

    Thank you very much for your responsiveness. Here are the links to the cards I edited. I shared them in view mode. Do you need me to change them in edit mode?
    I'm using a Firefox browser and wondered if this was browser related. I tried on chrome, same results with a shift of the maps.
    I hope your development team can find a solution to these centering problems.








  • Richard Hewitt
    Richard Hewitt EN Basic Posts: 1 Beginner

    I'm having the same issue. I tried duplicating the map as Emily suggested, but it didn't work for me.

  • CourtBallZ
    CourtBallZ EN Basic Posts: 1 Beginner
    edited July 2023

    I'm having a similar issue—pdf export is cropping out portions of my map. I also noticed the orientation controls on the export (Portrait vs Landscape) are reversed. One of the reasons I signed up for a paid account is so I could export pdfs 🙃

  • Finding True Wealth
    Finding True Wealth EN Basic Posts: 3 New Here


    When i export my map to PDF some of the content on the initial map page does not display properly. Sometimes it is very lop sided and sometimes the content is missing like it has been cropped. I've tried the 'Centre Map' icon but it makes no difference. It appears as if some of the message has been cropped and yet the content is included in the detail on the following pages. This hasn't happened until my most recent maps.

    Any suggestions?



  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,007 Community Admin

    Hi all — our engineering has identified this issue and are working to implement a fix — I'll keep this thread updated with more info as it becomes available. Apologies for the inconvenience caused here.



  • Judi
    Judi EN Basic Posts: 10 Beginner

    Hi @Andrew Lapidus

    Good Luck !

    I asked ChatGPT:
    How to help development teams on decentering mind map export to pdf on mindmeister.com, what are the incorrect programming lines?
    Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I don't have access to the current state of MindMeister's code and can't specifically check for incorrect programming lines on their site. However, I can offer some general advice to help development teams debug the mind map PDF export issue on mindmeister.com. Here are a few steps to follow:

    Reproduce the problem: First, make sure the problem is reproducible and clearly understood. Identify the exact steps to reproduce the PDF mind map export problem.

    Check error logs: Consult server error logs to identify any errors or exceptions that may have occurred during the PDF export. These logs can provide valuable information about the cause of the problem.

    Inspect source code: Analyze the source code of the export functionality to identify any potential errors. Look for sections of code that specifically handle PDF export and examine them carefully.

    Use debugging tools: Use appropriate debugging tools to follow the flow of code execution and spot any errors. Modern browsers have built-in development tools that can help debug JavaScript problems.

    Test third-party libraries: If the site uses third-party libraries to handle PDF export, make sure they are up to date and that there are no known problems with their use.

    Compare with documentation: Check that the code matches the PDF export tool API specifications. Compare the code with the documentation provided by MindMeister's developers to ensure that it is correctly implemented.

    Collaborate with the MindMeister team: If the problem persists, contact the MindMeister team to report the bug and ask for help. They will be better placed to understand their own code and give you more specific advice.

    Cross-test: Test the PDF export on different browsers and platforms to determine whether the problem is specific to a particular configuration.

    In summary, the debugging process can be complex and vary according to context, but these general steps can help identify problems in the PDF export code on the MindMeister site.

  • Rainer
    Rainer DE Basic Posts: 9 Beginner

    Hi there,
    i tried exporting my maps for a client and it is completely disfunctional.

    First i tried to export a map as a graphics (jpeg and png). The resolution so so bad that you cant zoom in and read anything.
    ⇒ why can´t i choose a resolution by myself when i want to export as a graphic?

    Second i tried PDF-Export.
    a) after a first PDF-Export, a following one will always run into a timeout. To use pdf-Export again, i have to close my browser tab and reopen a fresh one.
    ⇒ this bug is anoying and should be fixed
    b) it doesn´t matter if i export the PDF as A4, A3, A2… there is always a part of my map cut of. None of the exports is useable.
    ⇒ why can´t you center the map within the exported PDF?

    Third i tried Powerpoint-Export. There is no explanation or examples what all the checkboxes for options or number of levels mean. No matter what combinations i tried, the export always contains things i don`t want or is missing things i do want.
    ⇒ why is the PP-Export so anoying and disfunctional?

    Sorry, but you have to do some homework here. NONE of the export options have worked for me so far.

    I use maps for professional work, payed pro, and i am not asking for to much, do i?


  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,613 Community Admin

    Hi @Rainer,

    I'm sorry about the issues you're facing with MindMeister exports! This is part of an ongoing bug, so I merged your post with this longer thread about the same thing.

    Our devs are working on implementing a fix. We will update this thread as soon as we have any more info.



  • Rainer
    Rainer DE Basic Posts: 9 Beginner

    Just to make shure: people in this thread are complaining about PDF export only.

    But exporting a graphics or PPT is also disfunctional or a pain in the a**.

    For Graphics please add a parameter to adjust resolution of the exported graphics. The graphic resolution right now is to poor to zoom into.

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,613 Community Admin

    Hi @Rainer,

    Is the resolution bad on all maps or only certain?

    Are the maps you're exporting particularly large?

    Can you please share the name of a problem map and also give support access to your account?



  • Rainer
    Rainer DE Basic Posts: 9 Beginner

    Hi Miša,

    how do you define the size of a map and when is it "particularly large"?
    It depends. I think the map i was using to export as a graphic was a "small" one.

    But you can export some public maps of any size you want to test within minutes and get your answer clearer than i could provide it to you.

  • Marcela Mello
    Marcela Mello EN Basic Posts: 11 Beginner

    Olá, estou tentando exportar meu mapa em formato PDF A4 - paisagem. Mas quando exporta, corta o mapa. Já tentei de tudo!!!

  • Norm
    Norm EN Basic Posts: 1 Beginner

    My map is wide but not overly large. I've tired every combination available on the web page to either print it or export it to a PDF and it always cuts off part of the map. I even tried collapsing certain portions to print it that way but it auto expands them for the printing process.

  • Gabriel Madalosso
    Gabriel Madalosso EN Basic Posts: 2 New Here

    When I export my map to PDF, it is generated irregularly, missing or half parts, how can I solve this?

  • Gabriel Madalosso
    Gabriel Madalosso EN Basic Posts: 2 New Here
    edited August 2023

    Like that.

  • Rainer
    Rainer DE Basic Posts: 9 Beginner

    Why is this important bug reportet on July 9th still not fixed?

  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,613 Community Admin

    Hi all,

    This is a current bug. Our devs are working on a fix, and I will share any updates here as I learn more!



  • Floris van Braam Houckgeest
    Floris van Braam Houckgeest EN Basic Posts: 1 Beginner

    My PDF export sucks also in the same way: see attached file; I hope the developers fix it soon. Thanks a lot!

    Floris from NL

  • Judi
    Judi EN Basic Posts: 10 Beginner

    Hi @Andrew Lapidus and @Miša Hennin

    I hope you're well.
    I'm continuing to work on mind maps to help me learn faster for exams next September. The problem is becoming urgent, as mind maps are much better than revision sheets for revising. Everyone seems anxious to solve this problem of centering the map, so I wanted to know what the guaranteed intervention time is for users of this application? Is the idea of proposing to your team of developers that they use Chatgpt4 to improve the programming or locate the coding problem a good idea for speeding up the resolution of this problem, or is it impossible because of the inherent confidentiality of the data?
    Good day to you and your teams