Why can't I see 3 maps in Basic Plan?

Manisha Shahane
Manisha Shahane EN Basic Posts: 5 New Here
edited July 2023 in Ask the Community

Hello Miša! (or whoever :) … I thought I would start a new string for this topic. So the basic plan comes with the first 3 maps created. If one is deleted, the next ever created one should become available. I was only able to see 2 maps to begin with and I delted one of them. So, right now I can only seem to access one map. Please see if you are seeing the same thing I am seeing with being able to access only one map in this specific Basic plan account (same account being discussed on our other string). Thank you!


  • Miša Hennin
    Miša Hennin Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,688 Community Admin

    Hi @manisha_s,

    If I understood correctly, even when you delete a map, a new one isn't unlocked?

    I've passed your request to support. Somebody will be in touch with you shortly via email. This sounds like it could be a bug.

