Is it possible to add personal icons?

Patrick H.
Patrick H. EN Basic Posts: 9 Beginner
edited August 2023 in Ask the Community

Mindmeister comes with a (limited) range of icons. Is it possible to add (personal) icons? If yes, how can I do it and which format (ico or png or …) must the icon have ?

Best Answer

  • Joerg Koper
    Joerg Koper MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 1,469 Community Leader
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Patrick H. 👋🙂

    There is unfortunately no feature (yet), to add own icons to MindMeister. But, you can easily add own images to your mind map. That can of course also be icons, that you may download from your preferred source.

    I have inserted one of my own created icons, for example:

    and I can edit the size, position etc. to adjust it to my needs:

    Best, Jörg

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