Error 404 - Page Not Found

Petrus Castro
Petrus Castro EN Basic Posts: 1 New Here

Hi everyone, everything fine?

I'm having an issue as soon as I log into my main account (where I have Pro subscribed). Instead of opening my maps, I'm taken to a page with a 404 error - Page not found.

I've tried clearing the cache, entering another profile, changing the password, and everything is still giving the same error...

I need to find a way to solve this, because I have no access to the maps.

Has anyone had a similar error? Do you know how to resolve?

Thanks in advance!



  • Joerg Koper
    Joerg Koper MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 1,486 Community Leader

    Hi @Petrus Castro and welcome to the community 👋🙂

    I think, you normally log into your account via browser, let's say Chrome, under and then use the credentials, you created for the paid account.

    Your first steps to avoid known sources of error have been absolutely correct 👍️

    Some further questions from my side:

    • Have you installed any script or add blockers?
    • Is a VPN running?
    • Is it possible, to record a video from the described behaviour?

    Best, Jörg

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