How do I change date and time format?

stuartb EN Basic Posts: 4 Beginner

I have my language set to English and time zone set to London. But times appear in 12 hour format (I'd prefer 24 hour format) and dates in m/d/y (I'd prefer d/m/y). I cannot see anywhere to chage this. Am I missing something?

Best Answer

  • Rooster McNugget
    Rooster McNugget MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 681 Community Leader
    Answer ✓

    Maybe this steps work:

    To adjust the settings on your Windows PC so that the date and time are displayed in German while the system language is set to English, you can follow these steps:

    1. Open the Settings: Click on the Windows icon in the taskbar (usually at the bottom left) or press the Windows key on your keyboard to open the Start menu. Then click on the gear icon (Settings) to open the Settings menu.
    2. Open the "Time & Language" settings:
      • Click on "Time & Language."
    3. Change Date & Time settings:
      • In the "Date & Time" settings, you can select the desired region format and display language. Make sure that the region format is set to "German (Germany)" to display the date and time in the German format.
    4. Change System Language:
      • Go back to the previous screen (by clicking on the previous arrow in the top left corner of the window).
      • Click on "Language" in the left navigation.
    5. Add English as the display language:
      • Click on "Add a language."
      • Search for "English (United States)" or another English variant and click on it.
      • Click "Next."
      • Select "Basic typing" and click "Install." This will add English as the display language while German remains the region format and date/time display language.
    6. Set Language Priority:
      • Go back to the previous screen (by clicking on the previous arrow in the top left corner of the window).
      • Click on the English language you just added and select "Set as default."
    7. Restart Required:
      • Windows may prompt you to restart your computer for the changes to take effect. If prompted, click "Restart now."

    After the restart, your Windows PC should display the system language in English while showing the date and time in the German format. Please note that some programs and apps may use the system language, while others may use the region format language.

    If it's not working, i recommend you as Joerg said, a to make a feature request. I totally agree that it should be possible to set the settings you prefer.

    Best Rooster

    The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!


  • Joerg Koper
    Joerg Koper MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 1,492 Community Leader

    Hi @stuartb and welcome to the community 👋🙂

    As far as I know, the system sets the time related to the chosen time zone and the usual format of the time zone. If you'd prefer more options for that, I recommend a related feature request 👍️

    Best, Jörg

    Als Entwickler der Koper-Methodik und Experte für Prozessmanagement führe ich in meiner Agentur u. a. Retreats für Freiberufler, Solopreneure und inhabergeführte Unternehmen durch. Hier tausche ich mich zwischendurch gerne mit euch über die Tools MeisterTask und MeisterNote aus. Weitere Informationen über mich findet Ihr auf und LinkedIn.

  • Rooster McNugget
    Rooster McNugget MT Tester, DE Business Posts: 681 Community Leader

    Hi @stuartb

    I haven't tried it out yet but what happens if you change all systems settings on "German/Germany"? Also the time and date settings? Or have you tried it out already?

    Best, Rooster

    The impossible does not exist! The solution has just not been found yet!

  • stuartb
    stuartb EN Basic Posts: 4 Beginner

    If I change the timezone it makes no difference, but if I change the language to German the format changes. It is clear that the English setting is US English. I do not use US formats anywhere else so it is a shame that I am forced to using them here.

  • stuartb
    stuartb EN Basic Posts: 4 Beginner

    Sorry, I should have said, I use a Mac. The system date and time are set up correctly on that and appear correctly wherever I use them, except MeisterTask. I have already submitted an idea.

  • John Lyder
    John Lyder EN Basic Posts: 1 New Here

    The first man on the moon was in 1969. MeisterTask does not support local time and date formats in 2024. It is just unbelievable! Please fix this ASAP!