Comment peut-on travailler "hors ligne" ?

LéoLéoLéo EN Basic Posts: 1 New Here
edited November 2023 in Ask the Community

My son works on mindmeister at home, but would also need it at school, without internet access. Is this possible? I really need it. If it's not possible, I won't renew the subscription, so I need to know. If it is possible, how do I go about it? I can't figure it out.

Thank you very much for your answer.

Mon fils travaille sur mindmeister à la maison mais il en aurait également besoin au collège, sans avoir accès à internet. Est-ce possible ? C’est vraiment un besoin. Si cela n’est pas possible, je ne renouvellerai pas l’abonnement, j’ai donc besoin de le savoir. Si c’est possible, comment faire ? Je ne trouve pas.

Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse

Best Answer

  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,009 Community Admin
    Answer ✓

    Hi there, and welcome to the community!

    Unfortunately, there is currently no "offline-mode" available for MindMeister.

    However, this is a popular feature request, so I'd recommend adding your upvote here to stay updated on this feature!

