Sharing your MindMeister maps on Biggerplate

Richard Vitaris
Richard Vitaris EN Basic Posts: 51 Star Contributor
edited November 2023 in Tips and Templates

Before MindMeister introduced its new, improved editor, it was possible to share a MindMeister map easily on Biggerplate. While the Meister team are working hard to bring all of the features from the Legacy editor to the new one, that is still a work in progress.

In the meantime, Liam Hughes, one of Biggerplate's founders has prepared a short video showing MindMeister user's a simple workaround which allows you to easily resume sharing your maps with Biggerplate.

While MIndMeister has its own library for sharing maps, Biggerplate's library contains mind maps created with other mind mapping software. Why use that? Because MindMeister lets you import maps created with other popular mind mapping software including MindManger, XMind, and Freemind. And now, you can share your maps with users of other software as well.

You can find Biggerplate's video on how to do it here.
