How to Easily Add Links in MindMeister
Hi MindMeister Community! 👋 MindMeister just introduced a new way to insert links in mind maps! Now, you can add and delete URLs right from the toolbar with a new button. Here’s how to do it: Open your mind map. Click on a topic. Click the link icon in the toolbar. Paste your link. Click Add link. That's it! Check out the…
🧠 Mapped by Meister: Innovation Project Template
Hello, Visionaries! Ready to turn your ideas into real-world innovations? Meet our Innovation Project Template! Here's how the template can guide you through every step of your innovation journey: 💡 Idea Generation: Kickstart your journey with the idea generation. Add details, visual aids and feasibility checks to each…
🤝 Partner Feature: Q&A with Tatiana Torres [Virtual Education]
Hello and welcome to this Partner Feature Q&A! In this series, we'll give you an insight into our partners: The experts who advocate for Meister tools and use their know-how to help their clients succeed. You'll discover how partners use our products to overcome a variety of challenges, and you'll find new inspiration from…
Bonjour depuis quelques temps quand je crée une carte c'est de manière alétoire soit je peux créer une liaison (sujet enfant) en cliquant sur la touche entrer ou la tabulation pour le sujet jumeau soit la barre de proposition apparait et donc je suis obligé d'utiliser la souris pour dérouler le menu et créer de nouveaux…
création de carte fille
Bonjour depuis les dernières mises à jour à chaque fois que je veux créer une carte fille, je n'ai plus de lien qui se met automatiquement dans la carte mère, et plus de notification de création de la carte fille qui me permet de cliquer directement dessus pour y avoir accès. Je suis obligé d'ouvrir un 2e onglet, retourner…
Simple tasks
I appreciate the feature where tasks can be assigned to users and deadlines can be created but I would appreciate the simple check box that would indicate if it is done or not as it used to be until 2(?) years ago. My workaround is to paste ":task_5:" into each completed node to get the same appearance and it is far from…
Schicht Planung in der Produktion
Hat schon einmal jemand das Thema "Schichtplanung" mit Meister task umgesetzt? Idealerweise dann mit der Kommunikation über die App incl. Informationsmöglichkeiten an die KollegInnen, die in der Folgeschicht kommen ? Vielleicht sogar in der Form, daß man sich für eine Schicht nach einem vorgegebenem Algorithmus eintragen…
🏆 Best Practice: Share mind maps with collapsed / expanded topics (even public)
Today I'd like to show you how to share mind maps (even public) with predefined collapsed or expanded topics. Let's go: Think about, how your audience should see the map, when it gets the share-link Let's say, you want the actually expanded topics to be seen collapsed Press and hold CTRL (Windows) or CMD (iOS) + A to…
FAQ: How to add a URL link to a topic in a mind map
Hi everyone, We've noticed that many of you have been asking about how to add a link to a topic within your mind map. I'm here to provide a quick guide to help you through this process! Step-by-Step Guide to Adding a Link to Your Mind Map: Copy the Link: Start by copying the link you want to add to your clipboard. You can…
Unable to add hyperlinks to mindmaps
Hi I suddenly seem unable to embed hyperlinks to mindmaps (other than already existing hyperlinks which still function). Is this deliberate or just a glitsch? The attachment icon only allows me to upload a file, not link to a file on the web
More Color and AI Features
Hello there, I'm Eddie, and I had an idea. It would be great if we could have more color options and AI features. For example, if we add content about a product, like the features of Crystal Pro Max, the AI could automatically place the content into templates. This would make things much easier and faster.
🤓 MeisterHacks: Take the Shortcut
MindMeister offers a variety of shortcuts, covering basic, advanced and everything in between. In fact, there's almost a shortcut for every functionality. I really recommend you take some time to get to grips with these shortcuts so that you can create professional mind maps without lifting your fingers from the keyboard.…
Event Planning Template
Planning a party, wedding, business conference, or any sort of event? Mind mapping is a great way to capture and organise everything in one place to make your event a success! Download this "Event Planning" template from Biggerplate and import to your MindMeister account to get started with editing and developing your own…
Template for PEST analysis.
Hello everyone. I am a MindMeister sales partner in Japan. I want to introduce a template for PEST analysis, which I usually use. PEST analysis is a marketing framework for macro-environmental analysis. PEST stands for Politics, Economy, Society, and Technology. These four are placed as the main topics of the mind map.…
Message Map Template
Here is a MindMeister Message Map Template. The Message Map Technique is a strategic communication tool used to align messaging across an organization, ensuring consistency and impact by creating a visual diagram that lays out key messages, proof points, and supporting details for a product, campaign, or initiative. It…
ChatGPT to create mindmaps in plain text format
I have created a ChatGPT which will create a mindmap from any URL or text. It will create it in plain text format. You can then copy and paste into .txt or .rtf and import to MindMeister.
🧠 Mapped by Meister: Presentation Template
Hello, Community! Ready to make your good presentations extraordinary? Introducing our Presentation Template – a powerful tool designed to elevate your presentation game to new heights. Here's how this template will help you deliver presentations that captivate and resonate: 🪝 Engaging Introduction: Craft a compelling hook…
Challenged by colours - hope to inspire
In July 2023 I was one of the presenters at a Biggerplate.com online event sharing my experiences using mind mapping for facilitating and coaching of team members and clients. In the presentation I briefly shared that I am challenged by colour so I excused the choices of colours in the presentation – despite nobody…
🧠 Mapped by Meister: Creative Idea Template
Hey, Creative Minds! Say hello to our Creative Idea template – the catalyst your creative process has been waiting for 🎨! Here's why you need it: 📈 Structured Brainstorming: Dive into the "Brainstorming" subtopic to jot down every wild idea and concept sparked by your central theme/ idea. ⤴ Organized Categories: Move to…
🧠 Mapped by Meister: Content Strategy Template
Hey, Community Superstars! Ready to take your content game to the next level? Introducing our Content Strategy Template – your secret weapon for crafting compelling and targeted content that resonates with your audience 🤩. Here's why you need this template in your toolkit: 👨👩👧👦 Audience Consideration: The template helps…
Sharing your MindMeister maps on Biggerplate
Before MindMeister introduced its new, improved editor, it was possible to share a MindMeister map easily on Biggerplate. While the Meister team are working hard to bring all of the features from the Legacy editor to the new one, that is still a work in progress. In the meantime, Liam Hughes, one of Biggerplate's founders…
🧠 Mapped by Meister: Product Development Template
Hello, MindMeister Community! Today, we're going to look at a topic we at Meister know a little bit about - Product development! We're always looking for more effective ways to bring innovative ideas to life, so I thought, why not make a mind map that'll help us do just that 😁? This comprehensive mind map offers a…
A great resource: TED Talk Mind Maps
Hi everyone 👋, do you love watching TED talks and mind mapping? I certainly do. Our partner @Liam Hughes from Biggerplate has a great collection of TED Talk mind maps to inform and inspire you! You can check them out below 👇
📚 Freebie Freitag: Zurück zur Schule MindMeister Edition!
Hallihallo, liebe MindMeister Community! Wir freuen uns, eine brandneue Aktion vorzustellen: Freebie Freitag! 🎉 Bei Meister glauben wir daran, unsere unglaubliche Community von Lehrer:innen, Schüler:innen und Profis zu unterstützen. Deshalb werden wir hin und wieder einige Angebote für euch haben, die euer Arbeiten, Lernen…
📚 Freebie Friday Alert: Back to School MindMeister Edition!
Hi 👋 MindMeister Community! We're excited to introduce a brand new initiative: Freebie Friday! 🎉 At Meister, we believe in supporting our incredible community of educators, students, and professionals. That's why every once in a while, we're going to treat you to some fantastic freebies that are sure to make your work and…
⭐️ Get Started with Mind Mapping (Best Practices)!
Hi Community! In the United States, the summer marks the end of the previous year’s Supreme Court term, and lots of court decisions are announced. These decisions can be extremely lengthy and complex. As a retired judge, I have no problem understanding them when I read them but remembering them and all of the case’s…
🧠 Mapped by Meister: Exam Preparation (Education)
Good morning, mind mappers! Although summer is in sight, the students among us are still revising and preparing for final exams. Whether you're finishing school, your bachelor's or your master's, all you need is one final push - Here's a mind map to help you get there. How to Use This Mind Map We don't believe in…
How to completely rearrange topics with (often desired) impact on the outline mode!
Quick tip: If you want to completely rearrange topics, you can hold the key's STRG/cmd + A deselect the main topic by clicking on it once and then choose detach topic's in the opening menu Now the topics are detached This way you can rearrange all topics and assign them to the main topic in a different order This…
🧠 Mapped by Meister: Vroom-Yetton Decision Model
Good morning! Did you know your amazing mind makes 35,000 decisions a day? Impressive, right? Of course, not all of these decisions have big consequences... your business probably won't suffer because you chose to drink your coffee without milk this morning. However, depending on your role, you might also be making bigger,…
🏫 The Polish Academy of Mind Maps: Q&A with Beata Mertyn
Hello and welcome to the May edition of our Q&A series! In this series, we'll share real-life examples of how people use Meister products in a variety of industries - You'll find inspiration, tips and creative new ways to use our tools. Today, we’re speaking with the Ambassador of the Polish Academy of Mind Maps, @Beata…
🧠 Mind Map of the Month: Consultative Selling
Hello 👋 I wanted to share a use of MindMeister I’ve found to be very helpful with a thing I struggled in the past, which is the act of selling something. Actually, this post is about a way of selling that I've learned to love and enjoy over time: Consultative Selling. Consultative selling is a sales technique that involves…
🧠 Mapped by Meister: Hiring Org Chart (HR)
Hey everybody! So far, we've looked at knowledge-sharing, event-planning and product-distributing mind map templates. Today, we're going to dive into Human Resources - a department thus far untouched. Read on to learn about how MindMeister can be used to create comprehensive hiring org charts. Our very own organizational…
💝 Inspo: Mind Mapping My Way to a Life I Love - John Diggs [Tedx Talk]
Good morning, Community! Recently, @Eva Schindler shared this Tedx Talk on the power of mind mapping with me, and I wanted to share it with you here. Former professional football player turned businessman John Diggs used mind mapping to turn his life around after finding himself career-less, wife-less, family-less and…