MindMeister running slow

I notice that as we feed our mental map into Mindmeister it becomes very slow, even difficult to work with. In other words, you click on the map and have to wait for it to process so you can continue writing. I have a basic subscription, and I even thought that if I upgraded to a Pro account I thought the problem would go away, but that didn't happen, it continued to be slow and cumbersome. I even cleared all the cash following a suggestion from support itself but it didn't help either. This problem was confirmed when I was no longer able to work on my mental maps in my subscription, which was no longer slow, but simply stopped, I made a basic subscription from scratch with another Google user, and started working with Mindmeister, building a map from scratch, with the basic plan. At first, everything was perfect, but as the mind map grew (just texts) the problem simply started again, slow and cumbersome, that is, to enable text insertion you have to wait, wait and wait forever 30s or more to be able to use it again. It's been torture working with a mind map like this, my productivity is extremely compromised. Could anyone help me understand why this happens?
- Possible bug? Include your system information (operating system, browser version, etc.). I use Google Chrome, and as I said, I cleared the cash when using mindmeister with my user and nothing. I switched to the Pro version but the problem persists.
Hi @Valdeck Pedro Feliciano — sorry to hear about this. How large are your maps (how many topics?)
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Hello, how are you @André Lapidus? Look, my mental maps start from scratch, that's what I said above. As he is being fed, and it's just text, I rarely add anything else, like figurines, videos...etc, he starts to have these problems. As I said, my mindmeister that I used on my account, I can no longer use due to slowness and now "crashing". I thought, as I said before, that turning "PRO" would solve the problem, but no. With that, I created an account from scratch, on another Google profile, and as in the basic plan we can create up to three mind maps, I only created one and studied it, creating topics, there are now many topics, and as I evolve it becomes more and more It is more impractical to work with such slowness, and this happens with both PCs that I use, both are machines with a lot of memory space, in short.
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Could anyone help me in this community to understand this problem?
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Hi @Valdeck Pedro Feliciano — sorry for the delayed response!
Thanks for the additional information — odd that it is occurring with two separate machines, I'm not aware of any bugs which would be causing this issue. I have forwarded your issue to our engineering teams, who will get in touch via e-mail ASAP to take a closer look at your specific case.
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Thanks @André Lapidus. Unfortunately it's happening, and on both machines, all the time. I've been having a lot of trouble working using Mindmeister as a mind map. I even thought there would be a problem with using the basic subscription and I even bought a plan, but it continued the same way, much to my disappointment. I really hope you can resolve it, I'll be waiting then.
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About that! My fate of working using a slow and crashing mind map continues. I don't think I'll get help here. I'm giving up. It always crashes and I have to wait forever to type again.
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Guys, there is no one to kindly support this community regarding this problem of "extreme slowness" and "crashing" that happens in MindMeister, I can no longer practically use the mind maps, some I have even lost due to them no longer loading . Am I extremely frustrated about losing my previous maps and no longer being able to work productively on my current mind maps?
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Hi @Valdeck Pedro Feliciano — our support team reached out to you via e-mail on November 13th — did you receive the message?
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Hello @André Lapidus. On 11/13, the only email I received was from you, as shown in the attached image. There is no other email giving me feedback about the problem. So I continue to wait.
- neither in spam nor in trash
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I feel like the support isn't there! It's very long, unfortunately.
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