About the default display of topics

Hello everyone.
Since yesterday or so, when I open the new maps screen, some topics appear first by default.
Several Japanese users have contacted me and don't like it very much. So I would like it back if possible. What do you guys think?
Hi @yuki - thanks a bunch for reaching out! To be honest, I was a bit surprised by this change as well - I just contacted the team to get more information. It'd be interesting to learn more about what bothered these users - did it interrupt their workflow when creating new maps?
It might be interesting to hear from some other MindMeister partners what they think of the change (and whether they noticed) - @Andres D'Andrea , @Philippe Boukobza , @Tatiana Torres, any thoughts?
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I've noticed too that some topics appear now by default when your start a new mindmap. Sincerely It didn't bother me but I think it is not especially useful.
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Thanks @Andrew Lapidus, I can actually see the changed mentioned by @yuki.
Starting a new "blank" mind map shows some default topics, indeed.
In my humble opinion, it doesn't hurt too much to have those default exemplary topics there.
However, I've got some acquaintances in Japan, and (according to what I always hear) I understand they have a strict culture there.
I wouldn't be surprised if @yuki's audience find it a little disturbing to click a button that is supposed to generate a new mind map (e. g. blank canvas) and "find something" there apart from a blank canvas.
Maybe it could be adjusted by region? I'm not sure about that … just my 2 cents 👍
Best regards.
Andres D'Andrea
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Thanks for the feedback here everyone - I've just had a talk with our MindMeister Product lead about this change.
To give you all a bit of context - the team is always exploring ways to make MindMeister more intuitive, especially when it comes to helping new users quickly "jump in" to the product and start mind mapping immediately. The team has found that for some users, even the concept of mind mapping can be foreign, so a blank page with no topics can be confusing!
The addition of these "sample" mind map topics is an experiment to see if their inclusion will have a measurable effect on user's mapping. I've forwarded all of your feedback to our product team - especially yours @yuki . Please do let us know what your colleague's didn't like about the change. I see @Andres D'Andrea 's point that when you're already a seasoned mind mapper, it seems odd to open a blank canvas and see sample topics.
Please let me know what you think - I'll also keep you all updated on the results of this experiment, and whether it will be continued!
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@Philippe Boukobza @Andres D'Andrea Thank you for your valuable input. Your opinions were helpful. Japanese users are susceptible to small changes. Maybe the feeling is different in different countries.
@Andrew Lapidus Thank you for summarising everyone's opinion. I also understood that the display of this topic is an experiment. Yes, it might be beneficial for new mindmap users.
On the other hand, for some existing users, it seems that every time they create a new map, they are bothered by the topics displayed and feel minor stress about deleting them. I am one of them.MindMeister is unique in that you can immediately and intuitively write down any idea that comes to mind in a mind map. That is why we want to make it as stress-free to use as possible.
I think it's challenging to find the right balance of consideration for both new and experienced users, but in any case, I'm happy to find the best way.
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