[POSSIBLE BUG] Sharing Map leads to error

Rodrigo Goltzman
Rodrigo Goltzman EN Basic Posts: 2 New Here
edited January 17 in Ask the Community

Sempre que preciso compartilhar um mapa para que outras pessoas acessem como leitor, o sistema fica carregando e não sai da tela de carregamento. Não consigo mais de jeito nenhum compartilhar. Meu plano é pago. Mas tem mapas que quero compartilhar que não podem ser editados. Como proceder?

Translation: Whenever I need to share a map so that other people can access it as a reader, the system keeps loading and won't leave the loading screen. There's no way I can share it anymore. I have a paid plan. But there are maps I want to share that can't be edited. How do I proceed?


  • Andrew Lapidus
    Andrew Lapidus Admin, MeisterLobster, EN Business Posts: 1,008 Community Admin

    Hi Rodrigo — I'm investigating this with our support team, who will be in touch via e-mail. They should be in touch ASAP! I'll keep this thread updated with further information as it becomes available.



  • Rodrigo Goltzman
    Rodrigo Goltzman EN Basic Posts: 2 New Here

    Fico no aguardo.